Capsule network is a new proposed neural network in GEH18 as an enhancement to Convlutional Neural Network(CNN) and potentially could replace CNNs in different application that require more accurate detection of objects that tends to change in terms of graphical properties such as position, orientation and thickness. In this work, we study the architecture of a capsule network, demonstrate its bottlenecks by profiling its operations.
Read final report in here
Based on the implementation of Matrix-Capsules
This figure shows tests accuracy of three benchmarks evaluated which are MNIST, Fashion-MNIST and SmallNORB.
This figure shows activations histogram through the caps layer which shows that activations in capslayer follow the same pattern as CNN layers activation, it gets more sparse when going deeper to the network.
This figure shows the pose matrix (which learns the graphical features of an object) histogram of the learned pose matrix across MNIST and SmallNORB. As observed, pose matrix of smallNORB tends to be more wide compared to MNIST since the dataset represents oriented objects which exploits the problem that CNN struggles to learn.
This table shows the most expensive operations in terms of memory usage and execution time
OP Name | Alloc. Bytes | Exec. time |
BatchMatMul | 297.25MB | 263.69ms |
Mul | 513.12MB | 3.32ms |
Sum | 21.48MB | 3.32ms |
Sub | 163.70MB | 2.73ms |
Conv2D | 14.56MB | 1.48ms |
Tile | 326.25MB | 1.04ms |
Clone this repository with git
$ git clone
$ cd CapsNet
2. Download the MNIST dataset
$ mkdir -p data/mnist
$ wget -c -P data/mnist{train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz,train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz,t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz,t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz}
$ gunzip data/mnist/*.gz
To install smallNORB, follow instructions in ./data/
3. Start the training (MNIST):
$ python3 "mnist"
$ python3 "smallNORB"
(CNN baseline):
$ python3 "smallNORB"
4. Start test MNIST:
$ python3 "mnist" "caps"
$ python3 "smallNORB" "caps"
5. View your profiling on tensorboard.
$ tensorboard --logdir=./test_logdir/{mode}/{dataset}/