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@marc-aurele-besner marc-aurele-besner released this 21 Feb 10:04
· 6 commits to dev since this release

npm version


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This Hardhat plugin add 1 task to the Hardhat summarize a smart contract in human readable format using OpenAI GPT-3.

Install Hardhat-contract-clarity

To install the Hardhat Contract Clarity Plugin, run the following command:

1. Install this package

With NPM

npm install hardhat-contract-clarity --save-dev

Or with Yarn

yarn add hardhat-contract-clarity --save-dev

2. Import/Require this package in your hardhat.config.js/.ts

Inside inside hardhat.config.js


or inside hardhat.config.ts (Typescript)

import 'hardhat-contract-clarity'



The plugin adds one tasks to the Hardhat CLI:

npx hardhat clarity

Task: clarity

This task is used to summarize a smart contract in human readable format using OpenAI GPT-3.

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] clarity --contract [--openai-key ] --output --flatten


--contract What contract you want to summarize?
--openai-key What is your OpenAI API Key? (default: "")
--output Where to save the summary
--flatten Flatten the contract before summarizing? (default: false)

clarity: Summarize a smart contract with ChatGPT

Task: readme

This task is used to generate a file for your project package.json.

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] readme --output [--openai-key ]


--openai-key What is your OpenAI API Key? (default: "")
--output Where to save the summary

readme: Generate a file for your project


Function allow you to use the clarity tool in your code.

const { clarity } = require('hardhat');

    contract?: string,
    output?: string,
    openAIKey?: string
    flatten?: boolean

    output?: string,
    openAIKey?: string

    error?: string,
    openAIKey?: string


These configuration are optional.
To configure the plugin and control at 100% the request to chatGPT API you can use the following options in your hardhat.config.js/.ts:

clarity: {
    openAIKey: string | undefined
    summary: {
        contract?: string | undefined
        output?: string | undefined
        model?: string | undefined
        prompt?: string | undefined
        temperature?: number | undefined
        max_tokens?: number | undefined
        top_p?: number | undefined
        frequency_penalty?: number | undefined
        presence_penalty?: number | undefined
    readme: {
        output?: string | undefined
        model?: string | undefined
        prompt?: string | undefined
        temperature?: number | undefined
        max_tokens?: number | undefined
        top_p?: number | undefined
        frequency_penalty?: number | undefined
        presence_penalty?: number | undefined
    AIhelp: {
        error?: string | undefined
        model?: string | undefined
        prompt?: string | undefined
        promptEnd?: string | undefined
        temperature?: number | undefined
        max_tokens?: number | undefined
        top_p?: number | undefined
        frequency_penalty?: number | undefined
        presence_penalty?: number | undefined

Here is the default configuration:

clarity: {
    openAIKey: OPENAI_API_KEY,
    summary: {
      contract: 'contracts/Lock.sol',
      output: 'clarity.txt',
      model: 'text-davinci-003',
      prompt: 'Summarize the following contract:

      temperature: 0.7,
      max_tokens: 2000,
      top_p: 1.0,
      frequency_penalty: 0.0,
      presence_penalty: 0.0,
    readme: {
      output: '',
      model: 'text-davinci-003',
      prompt: 'With the following package.json, can you generate a descriptive readme in markdown?

      temperature: 0.7,
      max_tokens: 2000,
      top_p: 1.0,
      frequency_penalty: 0.0,
      presence_penalty: 0.0,
    AIhelp: {
      error: 'How to use hardhat with openAI',
      model: 'text-davinci-003',
      prompt: 'Using hardhat, I have this error message:

      promptEnd: 'Can you explain why and how I can fix the error:

      temperature: 0.7,
      max_tokens: 2000,
      top_p: 1.0,
      frequency_penalty: 0.0,
      presence_penalty: 0.0,

Here is a description of each option:

  • openAIKey: This setting is a string that contains the API key for accessing OpenAI's GPT-3 language model. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will not be able to access the language model.

  • clarity.summary.contract: This setting is a string that contains the name of the Solidity contract that the plugin will generate a summary for. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will not generate a summary.

  • clarity.summary.output: This setting is a string that contains the name of the output file that the plugin will write the summary to. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will write the summary to the console.

  • clarity.summary.model: This setting is a string that contains the name of the GPT-3 language model that the plugin will use to generate the summary. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use the default language model.

  • clarity.summary.prompt: This setting is a string that contains the prompt that the plugin will use to generate the summary. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default prompt.

  • clarity.summary.temperature: This setting is a number that controls the randomness of the language model's output. A higher value will result in more random output. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.summary.max_tokens: This setting is a number that controls the length of the language model's output. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.summary.top_p: This setting is a number that controls the diversity of the language model's output. A lower value will result in more diverse output. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.summary.frequency_penalty: This setting is a number that controls the frequency penalty for the language model's output. A higher value will result in the language model generating fewer repeated phrases. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.summary.presence_penalty: This setting is a number that controls the presence penalty for the language model's output. A higher value will result in the language model generating fewer words that do not appear in the input prompt. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.readme.output: This setting is a string that contains the name of the output file that the plugin will write the generated README to. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will not write a README file.

  • clarity.readme.model: This setting is a string that contains the name of the GPT-3 language model that the plugin will use to generate the README. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use the default language model.

  • clarity.readme.prompt: This setting is a string that contains the prompt that the plugin will use to generate the README. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default prompt.

  • clarity.readme.temperature: This setting is a number that controls the randomness of the language model's output. A higher value will result in more random output. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.readme.max_tokens: This setting is a number that controls the length of the language model's output. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.readme.top_p: This setting is a number that controls the diversity of the language model's output. A lower value will result in more diverse output. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.readme.frequency_penalty: This setting is a number that controls the frequency penalty for the language model's output. A higher value will result in the language model generating fewer repeated phrases. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.readme.presence_penalty: This setting is a number that controls the presence penalty for the language model's output. A higher value will result in the language model generating fewer words that do not appear in the input prompt. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.AIhelp.error: This setting is a string that contains the name of the output file that the plugin will write the generated answer to.

  • clarity.AIhelp.model: This setting is a string that contains the name of the GPT-3 language model that the plugin will use to generate the answer. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use the default language model.

  • clarity.AIhelp.prompt: This setting is a string that contains the prompt that the plugin will use to generate the answer. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default prompt.

  • clarity.AIhelp.promptEnd: This setting is a string that contains the end of the prompt that the plugin will use to generate the answer. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default prompt.

  • clarity.AIhelp.temperature: This setting is a number that controls the randomness of the language model's output. A higher value will result in more random output. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.AIhelp.max_tokens: This setting is a number that controls the length of the language model's output. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.AIhelp.top_p: This setting is a number that controls the diversity of the language model's output. A lower value will result in more diverse output. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.AIhelp.frequency_penalty: This setting is a number that controls the frequency penalty for the language model's output. A higher value will result in the language model generating fewer repeated phrases. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

  • clarity.AIhelp.presence_penalty: This setting is a number that controls the presence penalty for the language model's output. A higher value will result in the language model generating fewer words that do not appear in the input prompt. If this setting is undefined, the plugin will use a default value.

Directory Tree

│   .eslintrc.js
│   .npmignore
│   .prettierrc
│   awesome-readme.config.js
│   package-lock.json
│   package.json
│   tsconfig.json
│   tslint.json
└─── src/
   │   Clarity.ts
   │   getClarity.ts
   │   getHelp.ts
   │   getReadme.ts
   │   index.ts
   │   serveTasks.ts
   │   type-extensions.ts
   │   types.ts
   │   utils.ts

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