Systemy informatyczne w zarządzaniu 2020
Application based on common client - server architecture, in repository you can find out:
- topicsapp (backend/server) - listening on port 8900,
- topicsweb (frontend/client) - listening on port 8080.
The comunnication between those two uses REST API with /api as servlet path. After run the topicsapp, check out Swagger on URL: http://localhost:8900/api/swagger-ui.html
All API endpoints require JWT Authentication except:
- POST /login,
- POST /users.
Moreover, validation for user roles is also configured. Default role for new user is STUDENT. Flyway script creates admin account (admin/admin123) with role TEACHER. Server logs are stored in topicsapp/logs/application.log file.
- Spring Boot 2.2.6.RELEASE
- Spring Security 5.1.6.RELEASE
- jsonwebtoken 0.9.1
- Postgresql database
- Flyway for migration
- Swagger (OpenApi 3.0)
- Lombok (+ Log4j2)
- Spring Boot 2.2.6.RELEASE
- Spring RestTemplate for API communication
- Vaadin framework for frontend components
To run the application:
- git clone
- make sure you have node.js library installed on your PC (you can download it from
- create postgresql database topics with owner topic/topic (port 5432)
- run mvn clean&install in root directory which produces 2 .jar files
- run both applications
Backend team:
- Marcin Piwko (main architect),
- Jakub Patecki
Frontend team:
- Ambroży Pala,
- Aleksander Nosal