SKA-Low station beam models, sensitivity etc
requirements : python3 from anaconda package ( usually includes all the requirement packages (astropy, h5py, numpy etc), but when using other python distributions (including standard package included in Linux distributions) the following steps may be required:
- pip install astropy
- pip install h5py
- pip install numpy
mkdir ~/github/
cd ~/github/
git clone
Execute ~/github/station_beam/install/ this scripts assumes that the package is installed in ~/github/station_beam/ , parameters are :
- first parameter is final location where BeamModel files are copied, default ~/aavs-calibration/BeamModels/
- parameters 2, 3, 4 are URLs to EDA.tar.gz, SKALA2.tar.gz, SKALA4.tar.gz currently on my Dropbox
It can also be done manually : download beam models of individual dipoles from to BeamModels directory, unpack the files:
- tar zxvf EDA.tar.gz
- tar zxvf SKALA2.tar.gz
- tar zxvf SKALA4.tar.gz
- move BeamModels to final location, for example : mv BeamModels ~/aavs-calibration/
- modify file ~/github/station_beam/ so that parameter beam_model_path is set to full path to BeamModels/"
deployment of databases use script install/ which takes 3 parameters:
- parameter 1 is the location of database file on the target system (default ~/github/station_beam/sql/)
- parameter 2 is the URL to the EDA2 SQLite database (currently on my Dropbox)
- parameter 3 is the URL to the AAVS2 SQLite database (currently on my Dropbox)
Example commands using sensitivity databases for AAVS2 and EDA2 stations are provided in the header of script
Example command to generated sensitivity at a specified time (GPS time), frequency (160 MHz), for AAVS2 station at the position of Hydra-A radio-galaxy, using Average Embedded Element (AEE) pattern of SKALA4 antenna in the AAVS2 station:
- cd python/
- python ./ --freq=160 -p None -g 1320891467 -m analytic --ra=333.607249950 --dec=-17.02661111 --outsens_file=HydA_aavs2_sensitivity --outfile_mode=a --trcv_type=trcv_from_skymodel_with_err --nos11 --header=HEADER --use_beam_fits --station_name=SKALA4 --size=512 --trcv_type=trcv_aavs2_vs_za_deg --antenna_locations=antenna_locations_aavs2.txt --projection=aee
If you have been using this software or the related web interface for your research. Please, cite the paper:
Sokolowski at al., Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Volume 39, article id. e015
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