Developed by Marcin Sokolowski ([email protected]) , version 1.00 , 2021-11 Fits a surface represented by a polynomial of an arbitrary order by calculating derivative over each coefficient, equalling them to zero and forming as many equations as many parameters
Requirements : matplotlib scipy numpy
Example usage and test :
# generates points from surface : val = 2.0*xp**3 + 1.0*(xp**2)*(yp) + 3.0*(xp)*(yp**2) + 4*xp*yp + 3*xp + yp + 10
python ./ > test.txt
# fit 3 order polynomial:
python ./ test.txt --order=3
# check if fitted polynomial is the same as generated :
Fitted polynomial p_n(x,y) = 10.00000000*(x**0)*(y**0) + 1.00000000*(x**0)*(y**1) + 0.00000000*(x**0)*(y**2) + 0.00000000*(x**0)*(y**3) + 3.00000000*(x**1)*(y**0) + 4.00000000*(x**1)*(y**1) +
3.00000000*(x**1)*(y**2) + 0.00000000*(x**2)*(y**0) + 1.00000000*(x**2)*(y**1) + 2.00000000*(x**3)*(y**0)
# plot fitted surface :
python ./ fitted_vs_data_order03.txt --vmin=0 --vmax=20
# plot data :
python ./ fitted_vs_data_order03.txt --vmin=0 --vmax=20
# plot residuals :
python ./ fitted_vs_data_order03.txt --vmin=-4 --vmax=+4
USAGE : python ./ 3_COLUMN_TEXT_FILE_X_Y_Z.txt --order=3
Options :
--order=3 : fits 3rd order polynomial, i.e. p(x,y) = a30 x^3 + a31 x^2 y^1 + a32 x^1 y^2 + a33 x^0 y^3 + a20 x^2 + a21 x^1 y^1 + a22 x^0 y^2 + a10 X^1 + a11 y^1 + a00
--vmin : minimum value on Z axis
--vmax : maximum value on Z axis
--image_size : image size, default 8192, when set to 0 (--image_size=0) it will be automatically calculated as max(x)
--verb : verbosity level [default 0]
OUTPUT FILES : For example for a 3rd order polynomial fit as in the example above :
fitted_order03.txt - ext file with fitted values, with higher resolution in X and Y (default step = 10 pixels), 3 columns : X Y FITTED_VALUE
fitted_vs_data_order03.txt - text file with data and fitted surface 5 columns : X Y FITTED_VALUE DATA_VALUE RESIDUAL(=DATA-FIT)