A simple utility to safely manipulate registers with zero overhead.\
I wanted to make a super simple utility with these features:
- Just a single reinterpret_cast<> for N registers, useful in case of future safety certifications
- Operations don't touch the stack. Zero stack used!
- Any bitmask calculated at compile time
- Errors like setting the bit 17 of a 16 bit registers caught at compile time
- The address of a given register is part of its type, no extra memory required to store any pointer.
- Last but not least: no macros
In this section, a few examples with the generated assembly.
Compiler used: ARM gcc 11.2.1 (none), flags -std=c++14 -O3
#include <mabe/register.hpp>
// Lets define a couple of registers
namespace my_regs {
using reg32 = RegU32<0x1000>;
using reg8 = RegU8<0x1004>;
ARM assembly:
mov r3, #4096 ; 0x1000
mvn r2, #0
str r2, [r3]
my_regs::reg32::set_bits<2, 3, 31>();
ARM assembly:
mov r2, #4096 ; 0x1000
ldr r3, [r2]
orr r3, r3, # 2147483636 ; 0x8000000c
str r3, [r2]
ARM assembly:
mov r2, #4096 ; 0x1000
ldrb r3, [r2, #4]
and r3, r3, #253 ; 0xfd
strb r3, [r2, #4]
This project is still work in progress. Any feedback is appreciated.