ForestMensuration.jl provides functions for dendrometric and forest inventory calculations in Julia.
using Pkg
Compute the volume of a single tree using the Smalian method.
using ForestMensuration
# Diameters at different heights (cm)
d = [30.0, 25.0, 20.0, 15.0, 10.0, 5.0, 0.0];
# Corresponding heights (m)
h = [0.7, 1.3, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0];
# Calculate cubage using the Smalian method
cubage(Smalian, h, d)
1×11 DataFrame
Row │ vt v0 vc vr vn dbh ht hc aff nff qf
│ Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 │ 0.199328 0.0494801 0.148538 0.0 0.001309 25.0 10.0 8.0 0.406067 0.335592 0.5
Fit a regression model between tree height (h
) and diameter (d
using ForestMensuration
using DataFrames
# Sample data with 10 observations
data = DataFrame(
h = [10.2, 15.3, 14.8, 9.7, 16.5, 13.1, 11.6, 12.4, 14.2, 15.0],
d = [20.5, 25.3, 24.1, 18.7, 26.2, 22.5, 19.8, 21.0, 23.4, 24.5]
# Perform regression analysis between height and diameter
models = regression(:h, :d, data);
# Select the best model
top_model = criteria_selection(models)
TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Int64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}
:(log_minus(h - 1.3)) ~ 1 + :(d ^ -1)
Coef. Std. Error t Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95%
(Intercept) 4.14963 0.170519 24.34 <1e-08 3.75641 4.54285
d ^ -1 -37.6196 3.78782 -9.93 <1e-05 -46.3544 -28.8849
# View the model equation
log_minus(h - 1.3) = 4.149631 - 37.6196 * d ^ -1