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This library handles decoding and validating a JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by an Okta authorization server. It provides an easy-to-use and customizable interface for ID Token validation based on OIDC for iOS applications.



OktaJWT is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'OktaJWT'


To integrate this SDK into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "okta/okta-ios-jwt"


This library supports validating JWTs by extending the JSONWebToken Swift library. By default, it will fetch the public keys from the OAuth 2.0 /keys endpoint of the specified authorization server, validate the JWT signature, and verify the token against given assertions.

First, create a dictionary of verification options and instantiate the OktaJWTValidator:

let options = [
  "issuer": "https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/oauth2/default,
  "audience": "{aud}", // More info below
] as [String: Any]

let validator = OktaJWTValidator(options)

Finally, check to see if the JWT is valid:

let jwtString = "ey...."

do {
  let valid = try validator.isValid(jwtString)
  print("Valid: \(valid)")
} catch let error {
  print("Error: \(error)")

idToken Validation

When using OpenID Connect as an authentication mechinism, it is important to verify the idToken returned from the /token endpoint. To ensure the token is valid, include the following in your verification options:

To learn more about the verification cases and Okta's tokens, take a look at Working with OAuth 2.0 Tokens.

let options = [
  "issuer": "https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/oauth2/default",
  "audience": "0abc123..",
  "exp": true,
  "iat": true,
  "leeway": 3000, // allow ~5 minutes for clock drift (exp and iat),
  "nonce": "1a2b3c4d..."
] as [String: Any]

let validator = OktaJWTValidator(options)

let idToken = "ey..."

do {
  let valid = try validator.isValid(idToken)
  print("Valid: \(valid)")
} catch let error {
  // Misc Error: {error}

To ensure proper error handling, you can catch, handle, and recover from specific errors:

do {
  let valid = try validator.isValid(idToken)
  print("Valid: \(valid)")
} catch OktaJWTVerificationError.malformedJWT {
  // Malformed idToken -> "ey.xx"
} catch OktaJWTVerificationError.nonSupportedAlg(let algType) {
  // Algorithm type {algType} not supported
} catch OktaJWTVerificationError.invalidIssuer {
  // idToken issuer != given issuer
} catch OktaJWTVerificationError.invalidAudience {
  // idToken audience != given audience
} catch OktaJWTVerificationError.invalidSignature {
  // Invalid signature
} catch OktaJWTVerificationError.expiredJWT {
  // idToken expired!
} catch OktaJWTVerificationError.issuedInFuture {
  // idToken issued in the future
} catch OktaJWTVerificationError.invalidNonce {
  // Invalid nonce
} catch let error {
  // Misc Error: {error}

Custom Claim Validation

You can ask the verifier to assert a custom set of claims, provided that it can be validated as a String.

let options = [
  "issuer": "https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/oauth2/default",
  "audience": "0abc123..",
  "exp": true,
  "iat": true,
  "preferred_username": "username"
] as [String: Any]

let validator = OktaJWTValidator(options)

let jwtString = "ey..."

do {
  let valid = try validator.isValid(jwtString)
  print("Valid: \(valid)")
} catch OktaJWTVerificationError.invalidClaim(let claim) {
  // Claim {claim} not present
} catch let error {
  // Misc Error: {error}

Advanced Options

Optional Validator Params

  • jwk: Pass a JSON Web Key (JWK) to be used over the ones provided by the /keys endpoint.
  • RSAKey: Use an existing RSAKey
let options = [
  "issuer": "https://{yourOktaDomain}.com/oauth2/default",
  "audience": "0abc123..",
] as [String: Any]

let jwtString = "ey..."

// Use custom JWK
let givenJWK = [
  "alg": "RS256",
  "e": "AQAB",
  "n": "kR7T4d_6RrTLQ4rdhdexVsGs6D0UwY9gZotmC7BEMvFovvnB0U3fy7WpmUn3aL9ooUJuDj19h17l3" +
       "gENKTaZOLucmLVq6HlK8coukxzk8_zhllrWXXFVwB3TlB-zR2EfWi_FKnyHHrSQ0lb1RfO7wberhy" +
       "_FK6n6WA5lCMYVfOGVm3aV6vfAojS7y1QzyimytitCRsOnIW7QmlZ1ZtKcEKb0pGdwSAAj-OSldZL" +
       "uLBj9B_t6HMq0xPVNhWgtYGDFNARaCIcvuP236VpGsw3EH4zfeKVMpScHC2j3y5JvMefn_iVgBzW7" +
  "kid": "someKeyId",
  "kty": "RSA",
  "use": "sig"
] as [String: Any]

let validator = OktaJWTValidator(options, jwk: givenJWK)

do {
  let valid = try validator.isValid(jwtString)
  print("Valid: \(valid)")
} catch let error {
  // Misc Error: {error}

//  -- OR --

// Use existing RSAKey
let rsaKey = RSAKey.registeredKeyWithTag("myKeyTag")

let validator = OktaJWTValidator(options, key: rsaKey)

do {
  let valid = try validator.isValid(jwtString)
  print("Valid: \(valid)")
} catch let error {
  // Misc Error: {error}


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  • Swift 94.1%
  • Objective-C 4.4%
  • Ruby 1.5%