This is a repository for Cube-and-Coquer solvers with look-ahead solver as cube solver. The repository also includes two conquer solvers: iglucose (a modification of glucose 3.0) and ilingeling (developed by Armin Biere).
Build the code using: ./
This command will compile the solvers march_cu, iglucose (version 3.0), and ilingeling (version bjc).
Cleaning up the repository can simply be done by: ./ clean
There are two default scripts to solve a benchmarks in the DIMACS format.
Both scripts can be extended by the commandline parameters of march:
c march_cu help
c USAGE: ./march_cu <input-file> [options]
where input may be in (uncompressed) DIMACS.
-h prints this help message
-p plain / no cube mode
-d <int> set a static cutoff depth (default: 0, dynamic depth)
-n <int> set a static cutoff vars (default: 0, dynamic depth)
-e <float> set a down exponent (default: 0.30, fast cubing)
-f <float> set a down fraction (default: 0.02, fast cubing)
-l <int> limit the number of cubes (default: 0, no limit)
-s <int> seed for heuristics (default: 0, no random)
-# #SAT preprocessing only
c OPTIONAL LOOKAHEAD TECHNIQUES (option will negate the default):
-gah global autarky heuristic (default: on)
-imp add both implications (default: on)
-wfr add windfall resolvents (default: on)
-o <file> emit the cubes to <file> (default: /tmp/cubes.icnf)
-q turn on quiet mode (set default output to stdout)
-cnf add the cnf to the cubes
-bin <float> binary clause weight (default: 25.00)
-dec <float> size exponential decay (default: 0.50)
-min <float> minimum heuristic value (default: 8.00)
-max <float> maximum heuristic value (default: 550.00)
-sli <int> singlelook iterations (default: 9)
-dli <int> doublelook iterations (default: 2)