CUDA Implementation of Parallel Bloom Tree - A Space-Efficient Approximate Representation for Graphs - See Project
Parallel Bloom Tree is a space-efficient representation for graphs using bloom filters to store graphs in a compact manner. MurmurHash3 has been used as the hash function in the bloom filter. The performance of the implementation is tested on the three algorithms namely Breadth First Search, Greedy Vertex Coloring and Tarjan's Strongly Connected Components algorithm.
The three major graph operations implemented using Bloom Tree are InsertEdge, GetNeighbours and IsEdge.
InsertEdge(int num_vertices, int num_edges, int num_hashes, int num_bits, int *u, int *v, bool *bits)
GetNeighbours(int u, bool *bits, int num_vertices)
IsEdge(int u, int v, bool *bits, int num_vertices, int num_hashes, int num_bits)
The InsertEdge function parallelly inserts all the edges present in the graph. GetNeighbours is used to obtain the neighbours of a given vertex. To check if an edge is present between two nodes, the function IsEdge is used.
The number of vertices, number of edges, number of bits or size of bloom filter, number of hash functions to be used and the edges present should be provided as input.
nvcc -o BloomTree
./BloomTree < *path-to-graph*