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GitHub Action

Garden Action


Garden Action


Garden Action

GitHub actions for Garden


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Garden Action

uses: garden-io/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in garden-io/garden-action

Choose a version

Garden Github Action

This action installs garden and can optionally be used to run any Garden command, for example deploy, test or run workflow.

Garden combines rapid development, testing, and DevOps automation in one tool.

This action will perform the following steps:

  1. Download Garden from the GitHub release artifacts for the given version (default latest) at garden-io/garden

  2. Verify the SHA256 checksum

  3. Export garden to the PATH, so it can be used from any scripts in the following steps of the GitHub Action job.

  4. If the command option is provided, it will run the given garden command.

    If the command option is not provided it will only prepare garden, which means it will also export the KUBECONFIG and GARDEN_AUTH_TOKEN environment variables if the kubeconfig and garden-auth-token are configured. This is helpful when calling garden in scripts from one of the following steps.

Note: At the moment this action only works with Linux-based GitHub Action runners. If you are using macOS or Windows runners and need this action, please open a GitHub issue – in case there is demand, we will rewrite this action to make it platform-independent. (We also accept Pull requests for rewriting this Action in Typescript)



Optional The Garden command to execute, including all options. For example deploy, test, run workflow etc.

If not provided, the garden-action will only install garden and export the KUBECONFIG and GARDEN_AUTH_TOKEN environment variables for use in scripts in later steps.

For the full documentation please refer to the Garden CLI documentation.


Optional Authentication to a Kubernetes Cluster can be done in multiple ways. This option allows to specify a base64 encoded kubeconfig, as a secret for GitHub actions. To use this option, base64 encode the relevant kubeconfig with the context referenced in your Garden project:

cat kubeconfig.yaml | base64

Encoding is necessary to deal with newlines and special characters. This action will decode the kubeconfig for usage in the action.

The secret will be masked to prevent accidental exposure in logs

If no command has been supplied, the action will expose this value to the the following steps in the GitHub Action job by exporting a KUBECONFIG environment variable.


Optional Specify a location the GitHub action should be saved to in the container while running the action. This is only necessary if you have configured the kubeconfig parameter in your provider configuration. Please note that the home directory in the GitHub action context is /github/home. Defaults to /github/home/.kube/config


Optional Garden version. Default is latest


Optional A token to authenticate to Garden Cloud.

The secret will be masked to prevent accidental exposure in logs.

If no command has been supplied, the action will expose this value to the the following steps in the GitHub Action job by exporting a GARDEN_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable.


Optional A path to a garden project in a repository.

Only necessary if there are multiple garden projects in a repository or if the is in a subdirectory.


Optional This token will be used to authenticate to GitHub API for fetching the latest Garden release. Defaults to ${{ github.token }}.

The secret will be masked to prevent accidental exposure in logs.


The garden-action does not export any outputs.

Example usage

This example uses the aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials action beforehand to authenticate to AWS. This might look different with other cloud providers. It deploys a preview environment for other team members/teams to explore and tests the latest pushed code in a separate ci environment. In the ci environment, some additional variables are used.

name: garden
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: AWS auth
        uses: aws-actions/[email protected]
          aws-region: eu-central-1
          role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_EKS_DEV }}
          role-session-name: GitHubActionsDev
          role-duration-seconds: 3600
      - uses: actions/[email protected]
      - name: Deploy preview env with Garden
        uses: garden-io/[email protected]
          command: deploy --env preview
          kubeconfig: ${{ secrets.KUBECONFIG }}
          garden-auth-token: ${{ secrets.GARDEN_AUTH_TOKEN }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: AWS auth
        uses: aws-actions/[email protected]
          aws-region: eu-central-1
          role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_EKS_DEV }}
          role-session-name: GitHubActionsDev
          role-duration-seconds: 3600
      - uses: actions/[email protected]
      - name: Run tests in ci environment with Garden
        uses: garden-io/[email protected]
          command: >
            test --env ci
            --var postgres-database=postgres
            --var postgres-password=${{ secrets.PG_PASSWORD }}
          kubeconfig: ${{ secrets.KUBECONFIG }}
          garden-auth-token: ${{ secrets.GARDEN_AUTH_TOKEN }}