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GitHub Action

PHPCS Check with Annotations


PHPCS Check with Annotations


PHPCS Check with Annotations

PHPCS checker with automatic annotations and no additional dependencies


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: PHPCS Check with Annotations

uses: 10up/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in 10up/wpcs-action

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WPCS GitHub Action

GitHub Action to help you lint your PHP without additional dependencies within your codebase.

Support Level Release Version MIT License


This action will help you to run phpcs (PHP_CodeSniffer) against WordPress Coding Standards with GitHub Actions platform.

To make it as simple as possible, this action supports WordPress Coding Standards exclusively and only checks for PHP files. This action doesn't require any change or addition to your source code. It means that you don't need to add composer/phpcs to your plugin or create PHP CodeSniffer config to use this action.

This is a fork of chekalsky/phpcs-action, so this action supports GitHub Action annotations too. All credit goes to Ilya Chekalsky.

From v1.3.1, this action can detect the PHPCS custom config and use that config to check the source code. When using the local config, paths, excludes, and standard are ignored.

Known Caveats/Issues

Annotations limit

GitHub allows only 10 warning annotations and 10 error annotations per step. So any warning/error exceeds this threshold won't show on the GitHub Pull Request page.


Add the following code to .github/workflows/wpcs.yml file.

name: WPCS check

on: pull_request

      name: WPCS
      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        - name: WPCS check
          uses: 10up/wpcs-action@stable

Available options (with default value):

        - name: WPCS check
          uses: 10up/wpcs-action@stable
            enable_warnings: false # Enable checking for warnings (-w)
            paths: '.' # Paths to check, space separated
            excludes: '' # Paths to excludes, space separated
            standard: 'WordPress' # Standard to use. Accepts WordPress|WordPress-Core|WordPress-Docs|WordPress-Extra|WordPress-VIP-Go|WordPressVIPMinimum|10up-Default.
            standard_repo: '' # Public (git) repository URL of the coding standard
            repo_branch: 'master' # Branch of Standard repository
            phpcs_bin_path: 'phpcs' # Custom PHPCS bin path
            use_local_config: 'false' # Use local config if available
            extra_args: '' # Extra arguments passing to the command


VIP Coding Standards

name: WPCS check

on: pull_request

      name: VIPCS
      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        - name: VIPCS check
          uses: 10up/wpcs-action@stable
            standard: 'WordPress-VIP-Go'

Display the linting result in the GitHub Actions summary

name: WPCS check

on: pull_request

      name: VIPCS
      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        - name: VIPCS check
          uses: 10up/wpcs-action@stable
            standard: 'WordPress-VIP-Go'
            extra_args: '--report-json=./phpcs.json'
        - name: Update summary
          run: |
            npm i -g github:10up/phpcs-json-to-md
            phpcs-json-to-md --path ./phpcs.json --output ./
            cat >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
          if: always()

Exclude specific rule(s) from the used ruleset

Create a custom project ruleset by creating file named phpcs.xml.dist in the root directory of the project. The contents of the file should be similar to the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="Project Rules">
	<rule ref="WordPress">
	<!-- Any of `WordPress|WordPress-Core|WordPress-Docs|WordPress-Extra|WordPress-VIP-Go|WordPressVIPMinimum|10up-Default` -->
		<exclude name="WordPress.Files.FileName.NotHyphenatedLowercase" />
		<exclude name="WordPress.Files.FileName.InvalidClassFileName" />

When setting up the workflow for the project, to use the custom project ruleset, the use_local_config arguments will need to be set to true to instruct the action to use the local project file. The job configuration should be similar to the following:

    name: WPCS
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: WPCS check
        uses: 10up/wpcs-action@stable
          standard: 'WordPress' # Standard to use. Accepts WordPress|WordPress-Core|WordPress-Docs|WordPress-Extra|WordPress-VIP-Go|WordPressVIPMinimum|10up-Default.
          use_local_config: 'true'

Support Level

Active: 10up is actively working on this, and we expect to continue work for the foreseeable future including keeping tested up to the most recent version of WordPress. Bug reports, feature requests, questions, and pull requests are welcome.


A complete listing of all notable changes to this project are documented in


Please read for details on our code of conduct, for details on the process for submitting pull requests to us, and for a listing of maintainers, contributors, and libraries for this project.

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