##Answering the question that 21 million Australian's have never asked...
I'm currently doing two things:
- Learning more of what I love - computers, data and programming
- Starting a blog
These two outlets have led to my first project, Margaret vs David: The Return.
##Who are Margaret & David? They are two well known Australian movie critics, who ended their run in 2014. I was learning some simple similarity calculations (Person, Euclidian), and thought I would do this.
This then evolved into what I'm doing now.
##Process I've just learnt Python, and absolutely love it. I'm now in the process of learning R as well, so it will use a combination of these tools.
In the folder 'Data', there are some python scripts to scrape the Margaret & David pages for data. Since then, I've thought of other stratification variables, so will likely add these as I go.