python3 -c "$(curl -fsSL"
python3 -c "$(wget -qO -)"
❯ ./ --help
usage: fish_history to zsh_history [-h] [-f FISH_SRC] [-z ZSH_DST] [-s {abort,overwrite,merge}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FISH_SRC, --fish-src FISH_SRC
fish_history location
| Default: ~/.local/share/fish/fish_history
-z ZSH_DST, --zsh-dst ZSH_DST
zsh_history location
| Default: ~/.zsh_history
-s {abort,overwrite,merge}, --strategy {abort,overwrite,merge}
Migrate strategy. What to do when zsh_dst is existing and is not empty?
| abort - Abort migration (Default)
| overwrite - Overwrite file
| merge - Merge existing and the new content