Load Bible text in a structural fashion.
npm install --save magnalexjs
npm install --save xmlbible-kjv
const magnalex = require('magnalexjs')
const lib = magnalex.library()
const ref = lib.parseReference('Joh 3:16 [KJV]')
const verses = lib.loadVerses(ref)
const formatOptions = {
fullBookName: true
const html = lib.toHTML(ref, verses, formatOptions)
See https://mastersign.github.io/magnalexjs/ for the API documentation.
Main entrance for the API and collection of bible sources with bible translations.
To instantiate a Library with a default Bible Source for XML bibles
you can use the module function library()
XML bibles follow the Zefania XML format,
but are stored in a specific layout with each book in its own XML file.
The XML bible source is parameterized with a root directory.
It expects sub directories named xmlbible-*
with an XML bible each.
If no root directory is specified, node_modules
is used as default.
const lib = magnalex.library()
To use a custom root directory with XML bibles, pass the path to the library()
const lib = magnalex.library("./bibles")
The way a bible text is loaded.
Usually, if only one XML bible source is used,
it is not necessary to create a Bible Source directly.
It is however possible to implement a subclass of BibleSource
or use FunctionalBibleSource
to implement a custom source to load bible translations.
// create a XML bible source with a root directory
const xmlBibleSource = magnalex.xmlBibleSource("./bibles")
// create a custom bible source
const customSource = magnalex.FunctionBibelSource(
// id, name, getTranslations, hasTranslation, hasBook, loadBook
// create a library without any bible sources
const lib = new magnalex.Library()
// register the bible sources in the library
Localized vocabulary, delimiters for bible references, names for the books of the bible.
A language is identified by an IETF tag.
Currently supported are English with ID en
and German with ID de
You set the default Language of a library with lib.setDefaultLanguage(langTag)
This sets the syntax for parsing bible references and the localization
for formatted bible references and text.
You can add a Language to a Library with lib.registerLanguage(langTag, delimiters, vocabulary, books)
You can find examples for the required values in the source files src/lang/en.json
and src/lang/de.json
The ID, a short name, and a long name of a book from the bible in a specific Language.
The ID of a the bible books originates in the German XMLBIBLE pseudo standard. Therefore, they are a short version of the German book names.
const john = lib.getBookName('1Mo') // with default language set to English
console.log(john.shortName + ", " + john.name) // Gen, Genesis
const johnInGerman = lib.getBookName('1Mo', 'de')
console.log(johnInGerman.shortName + ", " + johnInGerman.name) // 1. Mo, 1. Mose
Short name, long name and language of a bible translation.
A Translation is a descriptor for a bible translation.
You can set the default Translation of a library with lib.setDefaultTranslation(name)
The default translation is used for all bible references that do not contain an explicit translation.
To lookup a Translation from a library you can use lib.findTranslation(shortName)
A reference to a single or multiple chapters or verses in a bible book.
To create a reference, you can instantiate the classes Reference
and ReferenceRange
But more often you will use lib.parseReference(s, langTag)
, where the language tag is optional.
For the supported reference syntax see the section Bible Reference Syntax below.
The content of a bible translation.
Books and verses are loaded with lib.loadBook(translation, bookName)
and lib.loadVerses(reference)
The syntax for the bible references is defined in language files. Currently English and German are supported.
- Single chapter
- English:
Gen 2
- German:
1. Mo 2
- English:
- Chapter and following:
- English:
Gen 2+ [NKJ]
- German:
1. Mo ff
- English:
- Chapter range:
- English:
Gen 2-3
- German:
1. Mo 2-3
- English:
- Single Verse:
- English:
Gen 2:3
- German:
1. Mo 2,3
- English:
- Verse and following:
- English:
Gen 2:3+
- German:
1. Mo 2, 3ff
- English:
- Verse range:
- English:
Gen 2:3-4
- German:
1. Mo 2, 3-4
- English:
- Range:
- English:
Gen 2:21 - 3:17
- German:
1. Mo 2,21 - 3,17
- English:
The translation can be given at the end of a reference:
- English:
Gen 1:1 [NKJ]
- German:
1. Mo 1, 1 [LUT1912]
A list of verses can be formatted in the following formats:
- Markdown:
lib.toMarkdown(reference, verses, opt)
lib.toHTML(reference, verses, opt)
- LaTeX:
lib.toLaTeX(reference, verses, opt)
For the supported formatting options, see the type definition FormatOptions
in the section Global of the API documentation.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2018 Tobias Kiertscher [email protected]