- The dataset used in this project are taken from JAFFE databased with 7 types of emotion
- This programming are modified from https://github.com/gomanajah/Emotion-Estimation-From-Facial-Images (please refer this github for more expression and method)
What is modified in my work ?
- The expression is reduce into 5 emotion - Angry, Disgusted, Fear, Happy, Neutral
- The method used is :
- LPB as feature extraction:
- LBP is
- SVM as classification
- SVM is
- LPB as feature extraction:
How to used this program :
- Set path for the databased in DBPath
- run the main.m
- Test the data invidually to predict the expression shows by the image choose
The output of this program is represent in confusion matrix and testing data
- Confusian Matrix
Predict image
- For predict image: one image will be choose in the folder and the expression is predict
- The image choose is:
- The image will be predict based on the highest score from the 5 expression.
- From the image Angry expression show the highest probability
Specification used for this work:
- Matlab 2018a