Provides a notification channel for Mailgun's message templates to Laravel applications.
This library adds a new notification channel to your app that moves email templates from Laravel to Mailgun. This is useful if, for example, you need to send emails from multiple applications, or need a simple way for non-developers to manage email templates.
Install the library from composer:
composer require matchory/laravel-mailgun-templates-channel
Configuration follows the instructions outlined in the Laravel documentation: You should put your Mailgun credentials in
the config/services.php
// ...
'mailgun' => [
// Add your mailing domain as registered on Mailgun
'domain' => env('MAILGUN_DOMAIN', ''),
// Add your Mailgun secret
'secret' => env('MAILGUN_SECRET'),
// Optional: Specify the endpoint of Mailgun's EU API if you're a EU
// customer and need to comply to the GDPR
'endpoint' => env('MAILGUN_ENDPOINT', ''),
// ...
To send message templates, you should first create a template on Mailgun (navigate to "Sending" > "Templates" to manage
your templates in the Mailgun web app). Then, create a new notification with a toMailgun
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use Matchory\MailgunTemplatedMessages\Messages\MailgunTemplatedMessage;
class TestNotification extends Notification
use Queueable;
public function __construct(private readonly int $randomNumber) {}
public function toMailgun(mixed $notifiable): MailgunTemplatedMessage
return (new MailgunTemplatedMessage('your_template_name'))
->from('[email protected]')
->subject('Test Subject')
->param('foo', 'bar')
'some' => 'more data',
'available' => 'in your template',
'name' => $notifiable->name,
'number' => $this->randomNumber
Send that notification, and you'll receive an email with the rendered template:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
// number chosen by fair dice roll
Notification::sendNow(Auth::user(), new TestNotification(4));
That's it - you're able to use message templates now!
The MailgunTemplatedMessage
instance exposes several message building methods to add more metadata to your message.
This includes the usual stuff like subject, CC, BCC, recipient, and sender, and also options and params.
By setting additional options, you can control Mailgun features like delayed delivery and tracking; by setting params,
you can add template variables to be used while Mailgun renders the template.
Refer to the Mailgun documentation to learn about the specifics.
The following methods can be leveraged to handle message options:
use Matchory\MailgunTemplatedMessages\Messages\MailgunTemplatedMessage;
$message = new MailgunTemplatedMessage();
// Add an option.
// Note that the value can be anything that can be converted to JSON!
$message->addOption(name: 'skip-verification', value: false);
// Use the fluent methods for chaining several operations together. They all
// have an equivalent getter and setter.
$message->option(name: 'skip-verification', value: false)
->option('require-tls', true)
// Set multiple options at once
'skip-verification' => false,
'require-tls' => true,
// Check whether options are set
$message->hasOption('require-tls'); // true
// Retrieve all options
$options = $message->getOptions();
// Remove a previously set option. If the option isn't set, this does nothing
// Equivalent to the above removeOption() call
$message = $message->withoutOption('require-tls');
The following methods can be leveraged to handle template rendering parameters:
use Matchory\MailgunTemplatedMessages\Messages\MailgunTemplatedMessage;
$message = new MailgunTemplatedMessage();
// Add an param.
// Note that the value can be anything that can be converted to JSON!
$message->addParam(name: 'foo', value: 'bar');
// Use the fluent methods for chaining several operations together. They all
// have an equivalent getter and setter.
$message->param(name: 'foo', value: 'bar')
->param('baz', true)
// Set multiple params at once
'foo' => false,
'bar' => true,
// Check whether params are set
$message->hasParam('foo'); // true
// Retrieve all params
$params = $message->getParams();
// Remove a previously set param. If the param isn't set, this does nothing
// Equivalent to the above removeParam() call
$message = $message->withoutParam('foo');
Unfortunately, the Mailgun SDK currently has no facilities to manage message templates, although the API endpoints exist on the Mailgun servers (See this issue for reference).
As soon as the templates API is implemented, we will add managing capabilities to this library - including automatically updating your message templates from local blade files.
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue. Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.