- Update CoordinatorLayout to Version 1.1.0-alpha01 and update AppBarLayout to NestedScrolling3 API (80aedb9)
The previously existing
onNestedScroll(CoordinatorLayout, V, View, int, int, int, int, int)
has been deprecated in favor of the newonNestedScroll(CoordinatorLayout, V, View, int, int, int, int, int, int[])
implementations should be updated accordingly.If developer code currently overrides
CoordinatorLayout#onNestedScroll(View, int, int, int, int, int)
, it will likely no longer be called andCoordinatorLayout#onNestedScroll(View, int, int, int, int, int, int[])
should be overridden instead. - Support checkable in MaterialCardView (4cbe3b1)
- Add backgroundTint support to BottomNav (a083017)
- Add Icon Padding with an insetDrawable in menus (560adc6)
- Updated Chip to support dynamically changing texts in RTL layout (a0ab1c2)
- Remember the selected item when adding items to BottomNavigation's menu (0055c66)
- Fixing focus order when text fields have the password toggle enabled. (9a30c93)
- Fix non-scrollable bottomsheet corners when set directly to STATE_EXPANDED (c94b520)
- Fix NPE in BottomSheetBehavior onViewReleased (41daf80)
- Only use window insets for Snackbar (BaseTransientBottomBar) bottom margin if anchor view is not provided (d1cd5d4)
- Support custom backgrounds for outline text fields and use EditText's background for the text field's outline. (0aa470a)
- Use stroke width to determine whether a stroke should be drawn for MaterialCardView. (6362e72)
Full list of changes: 1.1.0-alpha02...1.1.0-alpha03