- Add elevation overlays support for dark theme in BottomAppBar (d1b56c3), BottomNavigationView (d6cb349), Bottomsheet (a192f47), Chip (6ebcd64) Dialogs (19b6960), FloatingActionButton (3f43a2a), MaterialButton (5848f1f), MaterialCardView (1a1788a), Switch (f0c4e8b); demo (7b59439)
- Add MaterialButtonToggleGroup (cad9d7d) and demo (4895151)
- Add MotionSpec support to ExtendedFloatingActionButton (abbec48)
- Add Menu overlay color for APIs 23+ (912045f)
- Add OnChangedListener to respond to ShapeAppearanceModel changes and Shapeable interface, and implement it in Chip (ca07e5f)
- Add API to set height of a half expanded Bottomsheet, in proportion to parent height (5aebe1a)
- Update surface colors to match spec (760a99f)
- Update BottomSheetBehavior to use Nested Scrolling 3 (d6f7b7c)
- Adding support for TextInputLayout start icon (2642ff2)
- Support disabling min touch target size in FloatingActionButton (05bc557)
- Composite chip surface and background color to reduce ovedraw (3bd6fd4)
- Change MaterialCardView's strokeColor to be a ColorStateList (8b277ed)
- Remove background from MaterialComponents Fab style (fd4d662)
- Update MaterialButton checked colors (bc33a80)
- Update BottomNavigationView's Widget.MaterialComponents style variants to use MaterialShapeDrawable (a1f6a72)
- Change setElevation in MaterialShapeDrawable to use default offset (01874ad)
- Improve MaterialButton Talkback support (3bce1b6)
Full list of changes: 1.1.0-alpha04...1.1.0-alpha05