Dependency Updates
Library Updates
- Centralize EndIconDelegate listener logic (26308d9)
- Fixed regression bug of prefix spacing being shown and making expanded label be in the wrong position when text field is not focused. (784f901)
- Create EndIconDelegates in an on-demand fashion (7c160c8)
- Extract end components from TextInputLayout (6cdf7b5)
- Updated the elevation of the popup to match M3 specs. Also fixed bug where elevation wasn't being read via xml. (2c335b5)
- Removed update dropdown background call from setInputType as it indirectly calls setRawInputType (f915ffd)
- Update dropdown background when setRawInputType is called. (f31414a)
- Fixed android:popupBackground not working in xml/styles for the AutoCompleteTextView. (df3a708)
- Update background when setInputType is called so that ripple is or isn't present properly. (1c02b62)
- Fix edge-to-edge mode being applied multiple times (c6a654c)
- expand the touch area of a month's days (ffb64c1)
- Fix for issue that causes the month view not to expand to show all days in a month. (a1ec73b)
- tab layout should not ignore focused state ripple color (5a0541f)
- Make slider's height adjustable with track height or thumb radius (dc0d8a9)
- Fix icon textStart/End alignment with multiline text (b6b895a)
- Fix icon position with multiline text (19d0500)
- Fix app:expanded=false not working (05be1b9)
- Deprecated 4 arg constructor. (df273cd)
- Fix bottom padding being applied to top bug (5173944)
- Added more a11y tests for text fields and exposed dropdown menu. Also updated robolectric version (863d6aa)
- Make picker header focusable to improve TalkBack response (c23daec)
- Attach/detach badge contentDescription when using menuItem. (ee49c5a)
- Make label important for accessibility (0ba0d65)
- Fixed bug where setting the AutoCompleteTextView's input type to TYPE_NULL in code would make it unusable in a11y touch mode, as it was still seen as editable for a11y. (01021a7)
- Update accessibility className used for hour/minute Chips (a51d1dc)
- Fixed text field's focused rect wrong behavior when using a11y magnification. (dce4419)
Transitions / Motion
- Open MotionUtils and update resolveThemeInterpolator to load both new and legacy easing attributes. (894edb6)
- Add new motion system duration theming (0ab2068)
- Add motion easing xml interpolators and theme attributes. (0d91f4a)
- Add additional condition to check dynamic color supported devices (6fdc114)
- Refactored MaterialColorSpec to take @ColorRes or @ColorInt for the demo. (f43995f)
- Fix MaterialColors cannot handle CSL issue (2544c1f)
- Update link for m3 Color design guidelines (2a7f14a)
- Make card selection accessible (a49fa6a)
- continuous slider demo should use a single switch (dbfcd35)
- consolidate slider switches to a single switch (315c496)
- Added a note for shape theming. (e74baff)
- Add status bar / edge-to-edge section to Top App Bar dev doc (b8e1f97)
- Correct style name used in FAB dev doc (d26cb45)
- Changed gradle so that tests run in parallel, preventing OutOfMemory errors (e9b04a6)
- Make sure targetSdkVersion is applied to all Gradle sub projects (06348a0)
- Update Robolectric to 4.7.3 (139f35c)
Full list of changes