- 🔭 I’m currently working on activist.org (Vue + TypeScript + Django).
- 🌱 I’m currently learning the Scrapy webscraping ecosystem.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects that are socially beneficial and/or climate positive.
My interest in web programming / development started in the early 90's, when I discovered how to author Windows 3.1 help files. The idea of hypertext opened up a world of possibilities.
Since then I have followed interests that pursue the idea of capturing, processing and presenting information. For 15 years I worked as a developer during the Web 1.0 era, in the US government space. I ended up taking a break from that to pursue other interests, and after a relocation to Berlin I upskilled a few years ago to the current web development technologies.
My main interest is in making things that are useful, and making things that already exist better.
Personal / portfolio website is here.
Blog is here.