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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

1: Dev Testing
1: Dev Testing
Requires testing by a core commiter
2: Dev Review
2: Dev Review
Requires review by a core commiter
2: PM Review
2: PM Review
Requires review by a product manager
2: UX Review
2: UX Review
Requires review by a UX Designer
3: QA Review
3: QA Review
Requires review by a QA tester
3: Security Review
3: Security Review
Review requested from Security Team
4: Reviews Complete
4: Reviews Complete
All reviewers have approved the pull request
Awaiting Submitter Action
Awaiting Submitter Action
Bug Report/Open
Bug Report/Open
Bug report/issue
Bug Report/Scheduled for Release
Bug Report/Scheduled for Release
Build App for Android
Build App for Android
Build the mobile app for Android
Build App for iOS
Build App for iOS
Build the mobile app for iOS
Build Apps for PR
Build Apps for PR
Build the mobile app for iOS and Android to test
Changelog/Not Needed
Changelog/Not Needed
Does not require a changelog entry
Meant for the quality or patch release tracked in the milestone
A candidate for a quality or patch release, but not yet approved
Successfully cherry-picked to the quality or patch release tracked in the milestone
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Do Not Merge/Awaiting Next Release
Do Not Merge/Awaiting Next Release
To be merged with the next release (e.g. API documentation updates)
Do Not Merge/Awaiting PR
Do Not Merge/Awaiting PR
Awaiting another pull request before merging (e.g. server changes)
Do Not Merge/Mattermod
Do Not Merge/Mattermod
Mattermod will automatically merge this PR.
Do Not Merge
Do Not Merge
Should not be merged until this label is removed
Required documentation has been written
Requires documentation
Docs/Not Needed
Docs/Not Needed
Does not require documentation
E2E Android tests for PR
E2E Android tests for PR
Run Android E2E Detox tests
E2E iOS tests for PR (LBW 1)
E2E iOS tests for PR (LBW 1)
Run iOS E2E Detox tests on Low Bandwidth