Quick Details:
Ruby 2.1.1, but should work on anything over 2.0.0
Rails 4.0.0
Sqlite3 for the database. It’s a simple schema, and we don’t get many visitors, so it does the trick.
Foundation for base layout & design
Selenium for screen scraping
Unicorn for the app server
Capistrano for deployments
Run ‘rake db:migrate` to setup your DB.
Run ‘rake get_inspections` to scrape foodsafetyzone.ca. It’s going to take awhile…
Run ‘rake set_metadata` to fill in some blanks in the inspection information.
Run ‘rails server` to start your development webserver.
No tests yet, sorry. Anything in the ‘test` folder exists for two reasons:
It was automatically generated by rails.
To give coders looking at this hope.