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Chrono Arena


ℹ️ this is a work in progress, please feel free to create issues or contact me if you encounter errors in the demo or if you have any question related to this project.


In Chrono Arena, players build their team of characters, who have different skills, and confront each other on a tilemap in a simultaneous turn based strategy game.

Simultaneous, because each player gives orders to their characters in an "Order Phase", without knowing what their opponents are planning to do, and when all players have confirmed their "Order Phase", the game engine processes all given orders and generates a multiple step timeline illustrating what happens on the battlefield.

This part holds an important place in the game strategy :

  • instead of a classical turn-based game, where the first player has the advantage to start moving or dealing damage, and where the game design has to compensate in giving the second player some kind of extra bonus, the simultaneous resolution gives as much balance between players as a Real Time Strategy Game, except it's turn based so players can think longer about what they're going to do.
  • players don't see what their opponents are planning to do, they have to guess and surprise them, knowing they will probably do the same.
  • the outcome of the turn, resulting from the game engine, might be completly different from what was expected.

The generated timeline is then read in a way that each player can see the result and navigate between the steps to have a clear overview of how their plan came out. Once a player has finished consulting the turn result, he can move to the next "Order Phase", and so on...

Technical decisions

Chrono Arena is Mobile First oriented in its size & UI design, but still playable in a web browser on Desktop.

This choice is made to promote the ease of access to the game, in an online multiplayer vision, which is kind of the purpose of the game at long term (a functionnal prototype was achieved but need to be reimplemented due to major changes in the client code, see for the Heroku NodeJS back-end project)

The game exploits the PhaserJS V2 game framework and the TypeScript language

Unit Tests are ran on a Karma sever, using PhantomJS browser and Jasmine framework


Install project

Run those following commands to install dependencies :

npm install
bower install


For creating the build folder with the compiled javascript + assets :

npm run build

For serving the project (with browser auto-reload on build change) :

npm run serve

For watching the src/*.ts files :

npm run watch

If you change something in the src/assets/ folder you have to run the following command to update the build folder :

npm run cp

To run unit tests :

npm run test

TODO list

  • handle obstacles for Linear Casting Skill
  • mix Movement Points with Action Points
  • add Resurrection Skill
  • add Teleport Skill
  • add Bomb Drop Skill
  • add Tooltips on Skills
  • Online Mode


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