A Web Api simulation of a shopping cart to test and use various systems such as:
- Dapper for DB access
- Serilog for logging
- Hangfire for scheduled job to send email
- XUnit Test
ShoppingCart.Sql -> ShoppingCart.Abstractions
ShoppingCart.Dependencies -> ShoppingCart.Sql
ShoppingCart.Api -> ShoppingCart.Dependencies
- Clone repository github
- In appsettings add your ConnectionString and EmailOptions configurations
- Run SQL script from script/SqlServer folder in versioning order to create the database and Sql Server tables
- Start ShoppingCart.Api project
- Serilog will automatically create the Logs table on the database
- The DB connection and query operations are manage to Dapper
- A HangFire scheduled job will be automatically created and started when the application starts and will run hourly to send email with list of Users
- Open /jobs page in your browser to manage the Hangfire Dashboard
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