Keep trees/plants alive through the winter by providing an environment with stable temperature
- Raspberry pi 3 Model B
- Temperature Sensor SHTC3
- Temperature Sensor DHT22 - retired in favor of SHTC3
- Temperature Sensor DS18B20
- 30A Relay
- Portable Heater
Use temperature sensors (dht22 & ds18b20) to measure inside temperature and humidity, and outside temperature (respectivly). The shtc3 sensor replaces the dht22. It is more accurate, and more importantly uses IC2 communication which is more reliable.
Use a tuned PID controller to run a heater inside the greenhouse. Variable power settings (needed for PID) are aproximated via timeslicing.
Temperature setpoint, PID K values, and Cycle Time kept in a config file. Changes to config file trigger reloading of config variables. Allows for on-the-fly tweeking of parameters.
Temperature, Humidity, and Power data are sent to initial state for graphing.
Modules contain thier own tests. Call a module directly to run tests.
See the wiki for graphs of the system in use, plus descriptions of the implementation process.