provides the ability to quickly switch between tmux sessions.
Each session is tied to a directory allowing projects to be isolated, but in active development.
To simplify switching sessions, fzf
is used.
assumes that the following binaries exist within your path:
To install from source, run:
$ go install github.com/mattmeyers/tsm@latest
tsm - The Tmux Session Manager
tsm manages your tmux sessions by creating a new session per project directory.
Sessions may contain multiple windows which are isolated and maintained when
switching between projects. Omitting any commands will trigger the session
0 Switch to the zero session.
-h, --help Show this help message.
Upon first run of tsm
, a fresh configuration file is placed in {config dir}/tsm
On linux, this corresponds to ~/.config/tsm
This configuration file contains the directories to search in and which directories to ignore.
To get started with tsm
, place some directory paths in the base_dirs
All child directories within these configured directories will be listed the next time tsm
is run.
Note that tsm
does not recursively list directories; only direct children are listed.
Optionally, ignore patterns can be provided in the ignore_dirs
array to omit them from the list.
For example, .git
directories can be ignored.
Invoking the tsm
command with no subcommand triggers the session switcher.
This requires fzf
to be installed, otherwise tsm
will exit.
Selecting a directory will trigger a session creation if a session does not already exist for the target directory.
If a session does exist, then tmux will simply switch sessions.
The 0
subcommand switches to the zero session which is not tied to any specific directory
This is based on the ideas from ThePrimeagen's tmux-sessionizer script. It generally works the same, but mixes in some personal preferences and requirements.