A monitor and job scheduler
Clone, build, and run
$ ./target/release/pulse >> pulse.log 2>&1 &
Configured via ~/.pulse/config.toml
### Configure the scheduler
# Run the scheduler every 5 seconds
tick_ms = 5000
# Send a news digest at 9am every day
cron = "0 0 9 * * * *"
message = "fetch-news"
# Check disk usage
# If no cron key is specified in a [[scheduler.schedules]]
# block, the scheduler will perform this operation on every tick
message = "check-disk-usage"
### Configure operations
# Configure check-disk-usage operation
# Send an alert if the filesytem mounted at '/' has more
# than 90% disk usage
mount = "/"
available_space_alert_above = 90.0
# Configure fetch-news operation
# Add a connection to the NYT API and configure which sections
# to include in the digest
api_key = "nyt-api-key"
most_popular_viewed_period = "7"
most_popular_emailed_period = "7"
most_popular_shared_period = "7"
most_popular_shared_mediums = ["facebook"]
### Configure alerts
# Configure email for alerts
smtp_host = "smtp.gmail.com"
username = "[email protected]"
password = "password"
recipients = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]
# Configure the high-disk-usage alert
# Only send the high-disk-usage alert once every hour
alert_interval = { secs = 3600, nanos = 0 }
mediums = ["email"]
event = "high-disk-usage"
alert_type = "alarm"
# Configure the news digest alert
mediums = ["email"]
event = "newscast"
alert_type = "digest"