First navigate to hzz directory with:
$ cd hzz
$ python counter/ --number_workers <number of divisions>
# Run for rank 0 up to rank number_workers-1
$ python worker/ --rank <rank>
$ python collector/
Alternatively you can run from the bash script:
$ <number divisions>
$ ./ <number divisions>
This will run the code as several containers, final plot will be saved within data and not automatically shown. To delete all images once containers have finished running, use:
$ docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
First create docker swarm on manager node using:
$ docker swarm init
Then add each worker node using worker-join token, before running on the manager node:
$ ./
To scale up or down with more worker nodes, first remove all services by running the following on the manager node:
$ docker service rm $(docker service ls -q)
Then add more worker nodes, and rerun