Keep an eye on your rippled server with this drop-in monitoring solution.
rippled is equipped to export metrics via statsd when "insights" are enabled. This monitoring tool consumes and presents those metrics via statsd-graphite and Grafana docker containers. New versions of rippled will export more metrics and new dashboards will be added to this repository.
Docker and docker-compose must be installed on your system. For more details on this see here for docker and here for docker-compose.
- Clone this repo and start the docker containers with docker-compose
$ git clone
$ cd rippledmon
$ docker-compose up
Note: you can use the -d flag in the docker-compose command to run it in the background.
- Add the [insight] stanza to your rippled.cfg file, and restart your rippled server.
This will enable insights on your rippled server and send metrics via UDP to a statsd server listening on port 8125 of your localhost. The metrics will be prefixed with 'my_rippled'. NOTE: If you are using this tool to monitor a production grade validator, you should run it on a separate machine and change the address above
- Login to Grafana and view dashboards
In your browser go to http://localhost:3000
The default username and password are 'admin'. Dashboard 1 is an example displaying a few of the metrics exported from rippled. It can take a few minutes for these metrics to populate so be patient.
- Make new dashboards
You can make new dashboards with the specific metrics that you want by selecting the plus icon and choosing "Add Query" in the New Panel.
Choose the appropriate tags to query the metric you want and adjust the graphing parameters.
For more information on how to use Grafana see here.
Metrics will be added to rippled over time and new dashboards will be added to this repo. These are the metrics that are currently visible:
Timer Metric Tags |
jobq.untrustedProposal |
jobq.trustedProposal |
jobq.untrustedValidation |
jobq.trustedValidation |
jobq.heartbeat |
jobq.ledgerRequest |
jobq.acceptLedger |
jobq.advanceLedger |
jobq.clientCommand |
jobq.ledgerData |
jobq.transaction |
jobq.fetchTxnData |
jobq.ledgerData |
jobq.writeObjects |
jobq.batch |
jobq.sweep |
jobq.clientCommand |
jobq.clusterReport |
Timers with the jobq tag report the amount of time it took to execute the job in ms. You will also see the metrics above with an "_q" suffix. The corresponding "_q" metrics report the amount of time it took to dequeue the job.
Counter Metric Tags | Description |
ledger_fetches | Number of ledger fetches in the last collection interval |
jobq.job_count | Number of jobs in the job queue |
full_below.size | Size of the FullBelowCache |
full_below.hit_rate | Hit Rate of the FullBelowCache |
Inspired by lndmon
Uses graphite-project and Grafana