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Science Infuencers:

An ArXiv paper search tool

  • Using Arxiv API to search for papers
  • Using Semantic Scholar to get influence details. Not all papers have matching records there.


1. Running the app:

2. Containerization:

3. Implementation

4. Hurdles:

5. Future work:

1. Running the app:

2. Containerization:

  • Docker image built on the AWS staging machine
  • Using docker cloud to proxy container hosting on AWS
  • Image pushed to Docker hub repository:
  • Docker cloud linked with github for continuous intergration. Unfortunately building on docker hub is very unstable. However I have tried to push updates and it automatically triggers a new image build and deply. This also can be controlled by tagging the image and branching on github (To build a staging container for instance)
  • Discarded docker cloud build and used an AWS instance to build the image then push it to docker hub
  • Used google clould shell (Tutorial here) to build the image and push it to GCP then create a Kubernetes cluster. Still in progress

3. Implementation:

  • Arxiv API: Outputs XML. I parsed it into a pandas dataframe and convert it to HTML, then manually inject hrefs for the URLs as pandas cannot do that
  • Using JQuery and DataTables to add sort and pagination to the results
  • No database implementation
  • Google OAuth 2.0 authentication implemented for login.
  • Code in Google code uses

4. Hurdles:

  • Using Docker Cloud to build my docker image.
  • Using Alpine Linux image at first. Since Pandas and many of its dependencies has to be built from source.

5. Future work:

  • Rearranging results. Expanding summary. More UX etc.
  • Adding Timeline: Histogram trends over time
  • Include twitter influence analysis. Semantic scholar does this but no API was exposed
  • Database
  • Add more ArXiv query capabilities: Search by title, author, etc
  • Completing Kubernetes cluster configuration