View all your albums from your Google Photos account - built in React using Google Photos API.
- NodeJS (v10.15.1)
- NPM (v6.4.1)
npm install
Copy .env.development.local.sample to .env.development.local and fill it in with your own Google Photos API key. Copy .env.production.local.sample to .env.production.local and fill it in with your own Google Photos API key.
npm start
This will start a version of the app at: http://localhost:3000/
npm run format
npm run build
This will create a production version of the site to the /build
In the package.json file, make sure the "homepage" property is set to the correct URL on GitHub pages which should match the nametag of your GitHub repository, "google-photos-viewer". The homepage is currently set to
In your Git Bash terminal or command line, type in:
npm run deploy
This will deploy a live working version you can view in your browser on GitHub pages. The link is below.
git init
git status
git add .
git commit -am "your message"
git remote add origin git@____
git push -u origin master
- style the albums and photos
- tie in with Google Maps for pins
- allow user to define location even if they didn't have Geo-location turned on when they took the photo
- remember users defined locations when they next login