We introduce PyMAiVAR, a preferred toolbox for creating audio-image representations, integrating information about human actions. Our approach to features was inspired by the Spectral Centroid feature, often used for music genre identification and audio classification. The effectiveness of this representation is assessed in the context of multimodal human action recognition, and is found to be on par with other representations and single-modality approaches using the same dataset. We also illustrate additional applications of the toolbox for creating image-based representations. As a tool, PyMAiVAR holds significant value for researchers specializing in multimodal action recognition, as it can enhance performance by harnessing multiple modalities. PyMAiVAR is implemented in Python and is compatible with various operating systems.
ffmpeg, librosa, matplotlib, numpy, sklearn
python 3.9
core: Core funtionality of pymaivar
example: Example usage of PyMAiVAR
myutils: Utility functions for PyMAiVAR
Documentation for each module is in their respective .md files
core --> core.md
example --> example.md
myutils --> myutils.md
|-- core.md
|-- core.py
|-- example.md
|-- example.py
|-- myutils.md
|-- myutils.py
|-- sample.wav
|-- chrom-data.png
|-- mfcc-data.png
|-- mfccs-data.png
|-- sc-data.png
|-- specrolloff-data.png
|-- specshow1-data.png
|-- specshow2-data.png
|-- wp-data.png
An example can be found in example.py
author={Shaikh, Muhammad Bilal and Chai, Douglas and Islam, Syed Mohammed Shamsul and Akhtar, Naveed},
booktitle={2022 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP)},
title={MAiVAR: Multimodal Audio-Image and Video Action Recognizer},
This research is jointly supported by Edith Cowan University (ECU) and Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan under Project #PM/HRDI-UESTPs/UETs-I/Phase-1/Batch-VI/2018. Dr. Akhtar is a recipient of Office of National Intelligence National Intelligence Postdoctoral Grant # NIPG-2021–001 funded by the Australian Government.