Version 3.0 adds support for prioritizing jobs within each job queue.
The priority
option can be given when creating a Job:
%{"type" => "SendEmail", "address" => "[email protected]", "body" => "Welcome!"}
|> MyApp.JobQueue.new(priority: 2, max_attempts: 2)
|> MyApp.Repo.insert()
Lower numbers run first, the default value is 0.
Thanks to ramondelemos for contibuting this feature!
#45 - gabriel128 Failed jobs will retry before the full execution_timeout
when an error occurs. By default the first retry will occur 30 seconds after failure.
Thanks to gabriel128 for contributing this feature!
Migrating to 3.0
To upgrade to version 3.0 you must add a migration to update the pre-existent job queue tables:
mix ecto.gen.migration update_job_queue
defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.UpdateJobQueue do
use Ecto.Migration
@ecto_job_version 3
def up do
EctoJob.Migrations.UpdateJobTable.up(@ecto_job_version, "jobs")
def down do
EctoJob.Migrations.UpdateJobTable.down(@ecto_job_version, "jobs")