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Rain1618 edited this page Oct 11, 2024 · 4 revisions


  1. Go to the unity website (it doesn't say ubuntu 20.04 on the OS requirements but it does work).
  2. Click on the "DOWNLOAD" button.
  3. Once it finishes installing, there should be an app called Unity Hub. Open it.
  4. Create an account or login if you already have one.
  5. [Assuming that you already have the auv-sim-unity repo cloned] Go to Projects - select Add - find the auv-sim-unity repo and open it.
  6. If it tells you that you don't have the right Editor Version, just install it (we want 2022.3.9f1)
  7. It's going to prompt you to install some stuff; just keep clicking the accept button at the bottom (don't change any of the options suggested)
  8. The auv-sim-unity should be on the projects section.

On Ubuntu

  1. Go to the unity website (it doesn't say ubuntu 20.04 on the OS requirements but it does work).
  2. Click on the "DOWNLOAD FOR LINUX" button.
  3. Go to the installation commands website
  4. Go to the "Install the Unity Hub on Linux - Debian or Ubuntu" section and copy paste the commands.
  5. Once it finishes installing, there should be an app on your ubuntu. Open it.
  6. Create an account or login if you already have one.
  7. Go to the install section on the app, and install the editor (the version doesn't really matter, dw)
  8. [Assuming that you already have the auv-sim-unity repo cloned] Go to projects - select Open Projects - find the auv-sim-unity repo and open it.
  9. It's going to prompt you to install some stuff; just keep clicking the accept button at the bottom (don't change any of the options suggested)
  10. The auv-sim-unity should be on the projects section.
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