Stochastic Track
global octave modifier
launchpad control general octave
loop and lock loop
rest probability 2,4,8 steps
global gate length modifier
clipboard actions
Load/Save Sequence to use a sequence library (fast switch on loading)
Launchpad Performance Mode 8
-> quick set lenght sequence; 2
-> overview page )
Submenu shortcuts (double click F[1-5] to enter project, layout, routing, midi out, user scale)
Page buttons on launchpad circuit note edit
Extend gate Lenght to 4bits @glibersat
Multi Curve CV Recording (cv curve input has been moved in track page)
quick change octave shortuct (step+F[1-5]) 1-5V
quick gate accent launchpad control on gate page and circuit page (7
add steps to stop feature in project page. Once started when the engine reaches the steps to stop value the clock will stop.
improved overview page. quick edit tracks
You can’t perform that action at this time.