Welcome to the App Router Boilerplate! This boilerplate is designed to kickstart your Nextjs
project with a minimal configuration, allowing you to focus on building your application without worrying about setting up the basics.
- Tailwind : Utilize the power of Tailwind CSS for efficient styling
- TypeScript : Benefit from the type safety and enhanced tooling provided by TypeScript.
- Docker : Docker configuration included for containerized deployment
- Husky & conventional commits
- TESTS : TESTS configuration & validation included
- Plop generation
- CI/CD github workflow
- Minimal config sitemap generation
To get started with this boilerplate, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Install dependencies using
Formatting/Linting is automatically processed on saving files. If linting errors remain unresolved, commit won't go through
In fact, linting and formatting tasks are also installed as a pre-commit hook through Husky
- format your code
yarn format:fix
- fix your code
yarn lint:fix
Follows the Conventional Committing standard
Feature example:
git commit -m "feat: Closes ISS-1. Ability to login with Apple"
Regular / casual example:
git commit -m "chore: ISS-4 Installed dependencies"
Husky will prevent commits from going through if it's not compliant
- plop allows you to generate conventional code templates to generate a component all you need is to tap this command inside your terminal route project
yarn generate
- This will prompt you with a list of component types from which you can choose. Afterward, you can select a name for your
├── README.md Project documentation
├── LICENSE # Licensing information
├── public/ # Public assets (favicon, etc.)
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ └── ...
├── src/ # Application source code
│ ├── app/ # Application core components
│ │ ├── globals.css # Global CSS styles
│ │ ├── layout.tsx # Main application layout
│ │ └── page.tsx # Default application page
│ ├── components/ # Reusable UI components
│ │ ├── UI/ # UI-specific components
│ │ └── containers/ # Container components for specific functionalities and managing application logic
│ ├── helpers/ # Helper functions for logic and utilities
│ ├── hooks/ # React hooks for state management
│ ├── lib/ # Shared application libraries
│ ├── next-env.d.ts # TypeScript declarations for environment variables
│ ├── next.config.mjs # Next.js configuration file
│ ├── styles/ # Project-wide styles (optional)
│ │ └── globals.css # Global styles for the project
│ └── utils/ # Utility functions
├── .dockerignore # Files ignored during Docker image creation
├── .eslintrc.js # ESLint configuration for code linting
├── .gitignore # Files ignored by Git version control
├── .husky/ # Husky configuration for pre-commit hooks
├── .huskyrc # Husky configuration file
├── .jest/ # Jest configuration for testing
│ └── test-utils.tsx # Utility functions for testing
├── .lintstagedrc # Configuration for staged file linting
├── .plop/ # Plop configuration for code generation
│ ├── plopfile.js # Plop configuration file
│ └── settings/ # Plop settings for component generation
│ ├── component/
│ │ └── index.js # Plop component generation settings
│ └── templates/
│ ├── component/
│ │ ├── component.tsx.hbs # Template for component generation
│ │ ├── layoutTemplate.tsx.hbs # Template for layout generation
│ │ └── pageTemplate.tsx.hbs # Template for page generation
│ │ └── test.tsx.hbs # Template for test file generation
├── .prettierignore # Files ignored by Prettier code formatter
├── .prettierrc # Prettier configuration file
├── .swc/ # Configuration for SWC (optional)
│ └── plugins/ # SWC plugins (for compilation)
├── .vscode/ # VS Code configuration (optional)
│ └── typescript-react.code-snippets # VS Code code snippets for React development
├── Dockerfile # Dockerfile for containerized deployment
├── jest.config.js # Jest configuration for unit testing
├── jest.setup.js # Setup file for Jest testing
├── package.json # Project dependencies and configuration
├── postcss.config.js # PostCSS configuration for styling (optional)
└── tailwind.config.ts # Tailwind CSS configuration file
└── tsconfig.json # TypeScript compiler configuration
└── yarn.lock # Lock file for dependencies installed with Yarn