Customizer (formerly known as U-Customizer)
customizer [-h] [-e] [-c] [-x] [-p] [-d] [-k] [-r] [-q] [-t] [-D] [-v]
Customizer is an advanced LiveCD customization and remastering tool. With it, you can build own Ubuntu-based remix using Ubuntu Mini Remix, Ubuntu or its derivatives ISO image with a few mouse clicks.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-e, --extract Exctract ISO image
-c, --chroot Chroot into the filesystem
-x, --xnest Execute nested X-session
-p, --pkgm Execute package manager
-d, --deb Install Debian package
-k, --hook Execute hook
-r, --rebuild Rebuild the ISO image
-q, --qemu Test the builded image with QEMU
-t, --clean Clean all temporary files and folders
-D, --debug Enable debug messages
-v, --version Show Customizer version and exit
/etc/customizer.conf - configuration file
<prefix>/share/customizer/exclude.list - files/dirs to exclude when compressing filesystem
gcc (g++)
python (python2.7 and python2.7-dev)
pyqt4 (python-qt4 and pyqt4-dev-tools)
squashfs-tools (>=4.2)
xhost (x11-xserver-utils)
xephyr (xserver-xephyr)
qemu (qemu-kvm)
On Ubuntu do:
sudo apt-get install git build-essential fakeroot make binutils g++ python python-dev python-qt4 pyqt4-dev-tools squashfs-tools xorriso x11-xserver-utils xserver-xephyr qemu-kvm dpkg-dev debhelper qt4-dev-tools qt4-linguist-tools --no-install-recommends
make && sudo make install
// to run it:
sudo customizer -h // command line version
sudo customizer-gui // GUI version
See our first guide to get you started.
Ivailo Monev 'SmiL3y' (code developer) [email protected]
Michal Glowienka 'eloaders' (PPA maintainer) [email protected]
Mubiin Kimura 'clearkimura' (documentation) [email protected]
Create and submit your issue at
IMPORTANT You should include the following details: what version of system host, what version of customizer, what ISO image, description of problem, full output log that is not just the part of what you consider relevant, and if possible, relevant screenshots.
Example of issue submission details:
Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit, Customizer 3.2.1, ubuntu-mini-remix-12.04-amd64.iso.
Using GUI, after select 'Build', cannot create ISO image file, Terminal shows
Error 119: No kernel found when compiling image.
The developers will look into submitted issues from time to time, usually a day or two. Only issues found in latest versions of Customizer are concerned. Issues in older versions will be ignored.
To check latest releases, visit
Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Ivailo Monev
Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Mubiin Kimura
License: GPLv2
In late 2010, this project was registered on Since November 2011, documentation is contributed. As December 2011, Customizer development has moved to GitHub and has been tested thoroughly on Ubuntu 10.04(Lucid Lynx). One year later, as December 2012, Customizer stable release has hit 3.2.3.
Presently re-written from scratch with the goal to support Ubuntu releases newer than 12.04 and making it more stable and robust.
You can find more information about Customizer at