This is my personal sandbox to use cutting-edge features around MEAN (actually possibly included non-MEAN stack)
MEAN-EDGE works with Node.js version 6.0.0 (current latest stable)
use official installer
or use homebrew brew install node
or use nvm nvm istall 6.0.0
current latest stable is 3.8.6. If you need to update npm itself, do the following
npm update npm -g
If you want to use MongoDB in your local dev, You have to install it. see
After installation, you run mongod
and start mongoDB
git clone
cd mean-edge
npm install
No dependencies for global, MEANEDGE installs all development dependencied into node_modules and use them from npm scripts.
cd backend
npm run dev
You can see the 'Backend works!' message at http://localhost:3000/test If some source ts files changed, The dev script automatically compile them and restart server.
cd frontend
npm run dev
You can see http://localhost:8000/ If some source ts/scss files changed, The dev script automatically compile them and restart server.
see and install it
After install Docker Toolbox, start Docker Machine
docker-machine start
cd backend
docker build -t mean-edge-backend .
cd nginx
docker build -t mean-edge-nginx .
The mean-edge-nginx container is based on
docker run --name mongo mongo:latest
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name nginx -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro mean-edge-nginx
docker run --name app --link mongo:mongo -e mean-edge-backend
MEANEDGE uses '' as a virutual host defaultly, so add it in your local /etc/hosts as follows
First, get docker-machine ip as follows
docker-machine ip
And then, add with the above ip in your /etc/hosts, like
open with your browser, you can see the MEANEDGE site open, you can see the backend response
docker kill app nginx mongo
docker rm app nginx mongo
docker rmi mean-edge-nginx mean-edge-backend mongo:latest
- Create three nodes like, lb, server and db
- Create mongdb service
- Move Services
- Push 'Create Service' button
- Choose mongo in Database servers at Jumpstarts
- Add Deploy tags 'db'
- Add Ports 27017 as a published port
- Create and deploy
- Create nginx service
- Move Services
- Push 'Create Service' button
- Choose mean-edge-nginx from 'My repositories'
- Add Deploy tags 'server'
- Add Ports 80 as a published port
- Set Volumes PATH:/tmp/docker.sock, Host Path: /var/run/docker.sock (not writable)
- Create and Deploy
- Create backend service
- Move Services
- Push 'Create Service' button
- Choose mean-edge-backend from 'My repositories'
- Add Deploy tags 'server'
- Add Ports 3000 as a published port
- Set Environment variables VIRTUAL_HOST, your_host (
- Add links mongodb service created at step 2, must set alias name to 'mongo'
- Create and Deploy
- Create haproxy(lb) service
- Move Services
- Push 'Create Service' button
- Choose dockercloud/haproxy in Proxies at Jumpstarts
- Add Deploy tags 'lb'
- Add Ports 80 as a published port
- Add links mean-edge-nginx service created at step 3
- Create and Deploy