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Upload files via DDP, HTTP and WebRTC/DC. To Meteor server FS, AWS, GridFS, DropBox or Google Drive. Fast, secure and robust.


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Files for Meteor

Award winning, extremely fast and robust package for file uploading, managing and streaming (Audio & Video & Images), with support of server's file system (FS) or third party storage, like: AWS, DropBox, Google Storage, Google Drive, GridFS or any other with API.

Upload, Download, Serve and Stream files within your Meteor application. Without system dependencies, try demo app, which works smoothly on free/sandbox Heroku plan, one click Heroku deploy


Support Meteor-Files project:


All PRs is always welcome on dev branch. Please, always give expressive description to your changes and additions.


Demo application:

Related Packages:

Why Meteor-Files?

The cfs is a well known package, but it's huge monster which combines everything. In Meteor-Files is nothing to broke, it's simply upload/store/serve files to/from server.

Easy-peasy kids, yeah?


meteor add ostrio:files

ES6 Import:

import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';


  1. Where are files stored by default?: by default if config.storagePath isn't passed into Constructor it's equals to assets/app/uploads and relative to running script:
  • On development stage: yourDevAppDir/.meteor/local/build/programs/server

Note: All files will be removed as soon as your application rebuilds or you run meteor reset. To keep your storage persistent during development use an absolute path outside of your project folder, e.g. /data directory.

  • On production: yourProdAppDir/programs/server
  1. How to pause/continue upload and get progress/speed/remaining time?: see Object returned from insert method
  2. When using any of accounts packages - package accounts-base must be explicitly added to .meteor/packages above ostrio:files

API overview (full API)

new FilesCollection([config]) [Isomorphic]

Read full docs for FilesCollection Constructor

Shared code:

var Images = new FilesCollection({
  collectionName: 'Images',
  allowClientCode: false, // Disallow remove files from Client
  onBeforeUpload: function (file) {
    // Allow upload files under 10MB, and only in png/jpg/jpeg formats
    if (file.size <= 10485760 && /png|jpg|jpeg/i.test(file.extension)) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return 'Please upload image, with size equal or less than 10MB';

if (Meteor.isClient) {

if (Meteor.isServer) {
  Meteor.publish('files.images.all', function () {
    return Images.find().cursor;

insert(settings[, autoStart]) [Client]

Read full docs for insert() method

Upload form (template):

<template name="uploadForm">
  {{#with currentUpload}}
    Uploading <b>{{}}</b>:
    <span id="progress">{{progress.get}}%</span>
    <input id="fileInput" type="file" />

Shared code:

this.Images = new FilesCollection({collectionName: 'Images'});

Client's code:

Template.uploadForm.onCreated(function () {
  this.currentUpload = new ReactiveVar(false);

  currentUpload: function () {
    return Template.instance().currentUpload.get();
  'change #fileInput': function (e, template) {
    if (e.currentTarget.files && e.currentTarget.files[0]) {
      // We upload only one file, in case
      // multiple files were selected
      var upload = Images.insert({
        file: e.currentTarget.files[0],
        streams: 'dynamic',
        chunkSize: 'dynamic'
      }, false);

      upload.on('start', function () {

      upload.on('end', function (error, fileObj) {
        if (error) {
          alert('Error during upload: ' + error);
        } else {
          alert('File "' + + '" successfully uploaded');


Upload base64 string (introduced in v1.7.1):

// As dataURI
  file: 'data:image/png,base64str…',
  isBase64: true, // <— Mandatory
  fileName: 'pic.png' // <— Mandatory

// As plain base64:
  file: 'base64str…',
  isBase64: true, // <— Mandatory
  fileName: 'pic.png', // <— Mandatory
  type: 'image/png' // <— Mandatory

For more expressive example see Upload demo app

Stream files

To display files you can use fileURL template helper or .link() method of FileCursor.


<template name='file'>
  <img src="{{}}" alt="{{}}" />
  <!-- Same as: -->
  <!-- <img src="{{fileURL imageFile}}" alt="{{}}" /> -->
  <video height="auto" controls="controls">
    <source src="{{}}?play=true" type="{{videoFile.type}}" />
    <!-- Same as: -->
    <!-- <source src="{{fileURL videoFile}}?play=true" type="{{videoFile.type}}" /> -->

Shared code:

this.Images = new FilesCollection({collectionName: 'Images'});
this.Videos = new FilesCollection({collectionName: 'Videos'});

// Upload sample files on server's startup:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
  Meteor.startup(function () {
    Images.load('', {
      fileName: 'logo.png'
    Videos.load('', {
      fileName: 'Big-Buck-Bunny.mp4'

  Meteor.publish('files.images.all', function () {
    return Images.find().cursor;
  Meteor.publish('files.videos.all', function () {
    return Videos.find().cursor;

} else {

Client's code:

  imageFile: function () {
    return Images.findOne();
  videoFile: function () {
    return Videos.findOne();

For more expressive example see Streaming demo app

Download button


<template name='file'>
  <a href="{{}}?download=true" download="{{}}" target="_parent">

Shared code:

this.Images = new FilesCollection({collectionName: 'Images'});

// Load sample image into FilesCollection on server's startup:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
  Meteor.startup(function () {
    Images.load('', {
      fileName: 'logo.png',
      meta: {}

  Meteor.publish('files.images.all', function () {
    return Images.find().cursor;
} else {

Client's code:

  fileRef: function () {
    return Images.findOne();

For more expressive example see Download demo


I would like to thank everyone who support this project. Because of those guys this project can have 100% of our attention.

Meteor-Files Expressive package to manage files within Meteor
logo If you found this package useful, please do not hesitate to star it at both GitHub and Atmosphere. Also you may like to Tweet about it or share at Facebook


Upload files via DDP, HTTP and WebRTC/DC. To Meteor server FS, AWS, GridFS, DropBox or Google Drive. Fast, secure and robust.







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