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We believe that anyone should be empowered to leverage real-time data. Using the Meroxa CLI, you can build data infrastructure in minutes not months.

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Meroxa is documented publicly in, but on each build we also generate Markdown files for each command, exposing the available commands and help for each one. Check it out at docs/cmd/md/meroxa.

Documentation is automatically generated by doing:

$ make docs

These are also updated when running make build. In the event you need to build without updating the documentation, you could do it by running previously:

$ export REBUILD_DOCS="false"

To generate manually a Meroxa spec for Fig, you could simply run:

$ make fig


For a complete guide to contributing to the Meroxa CLI, see the Contribution Guide.

Installation Guide

Please follow the installation instructions in the Meroxa Documentation.

Build and Install the Binaries from Source (Advanced Install)

Currently, we provide pre-built Meroxa binaries for macOS (Darwin) Windows, and Linux architectures.

See Releases.

If you run into any issues during compiling the binaries, checkout the troubleshooting guide.

Prerequisite Tools:

To build from source:

  1. The CLI depends on meroxa-go. To update vendoring the dependency, you'll need to run the following:
make gomod
  1. Build CLI as meroxa binary:
make build

Development Configuration

The meroxa-dev CLI makes it convenient to set the necessary env vars for different dev environments.


A goreleaser GitHub Action is configured to automatically build the CLI and cut a new release whenever a new git tag is pushed to the repo.

  • Tag - git tag -a vX.X.X -m "<message goes here>"
  • Push - git push origin vX.X.X

With every release, a new Homebrew formula will be automatically updated on meroxa/homebrew-taps.

When releasing a newer version of our Meroxa CLI, a new Meroxa spec for Fig will be automatically generated in meroxa/cli-autocomplete via this GitHub action.

Once a new pull-request is opened in meroxa/cli-autocomplete, you'll need to submit a request to main's withfig/autocomplete's repository.


If you want to make sure everything's correct before pushing to GitHub, you'll need to install golangci-lint and run:

$ golangci-lint run


❯ golangci-lint run
cmd/display.go:60:6: `appendCell` is unused (deadcode)
func appendCell(cells []*simpletable.Cell, text string) []*simpletable.Cell {


To run the test suite:

make test

Shell Completion

If you want to enable shell completion manually, you can generate your own using our meroxa completion command.

Type meroxa help completion for more information, or simply take a look at our documentation.

Development with local TurbineJS dependency

The CLI offers a mode, in which the local version of turbine-js is loaded by default which can be useful for developing the CLI and the JS dependency locally when contributing to this project.

You can run the cli in this mode, by adding the following environment variable into your .envrc at the root of this project's directory:


If you run into any executable not found issues, please ensure that you have cloned turbine-js locally and installed it globally via running npm install -g . in the turbine-js directory.

If you'd like to see this development mode extended with other dependencies or features, you can send us a feature request in our Github issues:


make gomod

Error: fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled

If you have already setup your access to meroxa repositories via SSH you can enforce the download of the required dependencies listed in the go.mod file via ssh instead of https to circumvent this error.

To do so, setup your gitconfig, by running:

git config --global url."[email protected]:".insteadOf ""

Verify the correct setup, by running cat ~/.gitconfig. You should see the following output:

	name = Jane Doe
	email = [email protected]
[url "[email protected]:"]
	insteadOf =

Run the make gomod command again, and you should see all dependencies being downloaded successfully.