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Catalog rebuilder of CSW and Solr for the S-ENDA project


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S-ENDA Catalog rebuilder


Catalog rebuilder of CSW and Solr for the S-ENDA project.


The catalog-rebuilder consists of three modules.

  • Main entrypoint for starting the Flask app or wsgi using create_app()
  • - A Flask app for getting catalog status and rebuilding the catalog
  • The rebuilding code, which is run as a Celery worker process. Imports the DMCI package and use the DMCI worker for the processing.

The catalog-rebuilder will also need a Redis-server running.

Catalog rebuilder component diagram

Environment Variables

The package bootstraps the DMCI module, so all environment variables and a extended version of the DMCI config file are required. See config_example.yamlfor an example.

The package reads the following additional environment variables.

  • CATALOG_REBUILDER_LOGLEVEL set the loglevel for both flask app and celery app
  • DMCI_CONFIG the dmci config
  • PG_CSW_USERNAME the pycsw postgresql username
  • PG_CSW_PASSWORD the pycsw postgresql password
  • SOLR_USERNAME the solr username
  • SOLR_PASSWORD the solr password
  • INIT_REPO_URL the url for the repo to rebuild from
  • INIT_REPO_USER user credentials for the repo
  • INIT_REPO_PASSWORD password credentials for the repo

Flask app endpoints

  • /status - Show Catalog Integrity Status
  • /admin - Admin endpoint for cleaning the backends and rebuilding the catalog
  • /rebuild/result- This endpoint will give back a JSON-object with the result of the ingestion
  • /rebuild/report- This endpoint will give back a downloadable json file with report of the last rebuild job.
  • /dmci/rejected - Inspect the contents of the DMCI rejected jobs
  • /dmci/workdir - Inspect the distributor cache workdir

Celery Worker Sidecar

The catalog-rebuilder will use its own Celery worker process in a sidecar, and process using DMCI worker object. Start celery as such: celery --app worker --loglevel=DEBUG

Redis storage sidecar

The celery worker and flask app communicate through a Redis queue instance, so a redis sidecar container is also needed.


Copyright 2021 MET Norway

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.