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Python tools for MMD. The package contains tools for generating MMD files from netCDF-CF files with ACDD attributes, for documenting netCDF-CF files from MMD information, and for updating the Data Management Handbook with information about the translation from ACDD to MMD. Command line tools are available in the py_mmd_tools/scripts/ folder. For example,

./py_mmd_tools/script/ -i tests/data/ -o .

generates an output MMD file called reference_nc.xml.


To avoid problems with conflicting versions, we recommend using the Conda package manager. The below steps assume that Conda is installed.

Create a new environment:

conda create --name testenv python=3.9

Verify that the new environment is registered:

conda info --envs

Activate (use) the new environment:

conda activate testenv

Install the Py-MMD-Tools package:

pip install .

or (for development)

pip install . --editable

All dependencies should now be installed, and the following command should generate an MMD file:

nc2mmd -i tests/data/ -o .

(alternatively use export PYTHONPATH=$PWD)

Known issue: 'Error:curl error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)'

If this problem is encountered please add a file in your home directory named .ncrc and add this line: HTTP.SSL.CAINFO=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

Tests and syntax checking

Install pytest and pytest-cov

pip install pytest pytest-cov

To run the tests locally:

python -m pytest -v --cov=py_mmd_tools --cov=script --cov-report=term --cov-report=xml



Syntax testing

Install flake8:

pip install flake8

Syntax error check:

flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics

Code style check:

flake8 . --count --max-line-length=99 --ignore E221,E226,E228,E241 --show-source --statistics