The titantuner is a web interface for tuning the many parameters of quality control methods in titanlib.
Titantuner is available on pypi, and can be installed as follows:
pip3 install titantuner
To install from source, run the following in the root of this repository:
pip3 install .
titantuner [-p <port>] [-d <datadir>]
This starts a webserver locally on your computer, making the titantuner available in the browser. Use -p
specify the port, otherwise it will appear on port 8081. Titantuner will load whatever data is available in
. If this is not provided, then some sample data from Norwegian Synop stations are provided.
Select the test you want to perform (SCT, Isolation, Buddy, Buddy event, SCT resistant, SCT dual, First Guess), and set the test parameters in the UI. Then click on the update button (below the parameters) to see the map showing the results of the tests.
There is are demo data files to start right away using:
titantuner -d ./extras/*.txt
Titantuner can parse data files organzed as follows:
where lat and lon are in degrees, elev in meters, and value is the measurement. Each row represents one observation, and each file represents observations for one time. Put this file in a data directory and supply this when starting titantuner:
titantuner -d <datadir>
Ongoing development. This function aims at finding optimized parameters for quality control methods. When running the autotune function as it is, three parameters are optimized for the buddy check run on temperature observations. These optimized parameters are the search radius, the minimum number of buddies a station can have, and the variance threshold for flagging the station.
Example of usage:
./titantuner/ obs_ta_20230924T12Z.txt
With obs_ta_20230924T12Z.txt containing 5 columns of data (temperature values) following this format:
Need for more info and examples? Please have a look to the Titantuner Wiki
Found a bug? Please report it in the issue tracker at Titantuner Issues.
Want to know more about which titanlib parameters to use, or share the parameters suitable for your usage? Please check Titanlib Settings
You are also welcome to give feedbacks or ask questions on Titanlib Discussions