This repo can be used to check if an object exists within specific specific bucket;
It creates
- An Api Gateway with Lambda Proxy Integration
- Dynamo Table
- A VPC -
- Two private subnets - and
- Two public subnets - and
- NatGatway, RouteTable Association etc.
- Security Group
- A VPC Endpoint for S3
- A VPC Endpoint for DynamoDB
- And of course the Lambda inside the VPC
The Lambda upon api call would write the transactions to dynamo Table
I am using Cloudformation (SAM) to deploy an AWS Lambda inside a VPC. All traffic stays within our custom VPC using VPC endpoints (Gateway - using Nat and not AWS PrivateLink).
# To build
sam build -t template.yaml
# To deploy
sam deploy -t template.yaml --stack-name test-stack --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND --region us-east-1
You will need to delete the objects from the bucket, otherwise the stack will not be able to delete the bucket.
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name test-stack
Sr | Endpoint Url | Method |
1 | | GET |
Sr | Query Parameter Name |
1 | bucket_name |
2 | object_name |
Please note that permission was only granted to bucket: teradata-test-bucket-alpha;
Sr | bucket_name | object_name | Response |
1 | teradata-test-bucket-alpha | blotch.jpg | 200 |
2 | teradatea-test-bucket-alpha | blotch.jpg | 404 |
To give Internet access to an AWS Lambda function that is linked to a VPC (eg to access DynamoDB endpoints), you will need one of the following:
- The AWS Lambda function configured to use a Private Subnet that has a route table entry pointing to a NAT Gateway in the Public Subnet, OR
- An Elastic IP address assigned to the Elastic Network Interface (ENI) of the Lambda function that appears in the VPC