Modeling inducible transcriptional regulators, GEM & ZPM, dose-response.
Code asociated to Gómez-Schiavon, Dods_et al. (2020; ACS Synthetic Biology) and Dods, Gómez-Schiavon et al. (2020; bioRxiv).
: Finding steady state solution the output () for the specific model (e.g.FN_SS_SimpleHill.m
for simple hill model; see options below) given a set of biophysical paramers (e.g. ), inducer concentration (), and total transcription factor concentration ().FN_FitError.m
: Calculate the sum of square errors between model's steady state () and observed data (), given a set of biophysical paramers (e.g. ), inducer concentration (), and total transcription factor concentration ().FN_FitMRW.m
: Find the set of parameters that best fit the data.RUN_FitMRW.m
: Determine model, conditions, and parameters to be fitted, and callFN_FitMRW.m
* NOTE: Also refered as allosteric