by Johan Piculell
<[email protected]>
Updates by Michael Abrahams
[email protected]
VirtuaWin is a small, fast and easy to use virtual desktop manager for Windows 8. The current desktop is indicated by a small icon in the system tray to conserve space. There are many configuration possibilities for both mouse and keyboard control. VirtuaWin also supports modules for adding features without decreasing the performance in VirtuaWin itself.
This version is updated to build with MSVC 2013 and the latest Windows binaries. The first feature change was to allow scaling for monitors using multiple DPI settings. If you want to try building this software, please let me know.
You can check the original website for info on module development.
- This file.
- HISTORY.TXT Description of changes.
- COPYING.TXT GNU General Public License Version 2.
- *.c *.h Source files.
- *.rc *.manifest Executable description files.
- *.vcxproj *.sln Visual Studio 2013 project files.
- *.ico Icons for .exe and system tray.
Please feel free to contribute patches at the GitHub repo at:
VirtuaWin is a freely distributed program and is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Johan Piculell
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 VirtuaWin ([email protected])
Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Abrahams ([email protected])