A Collection of useful bioinfo resources, including webtools, databases, packages, tutorials, etc
- Single-cell best practices book (Python, scanpy): https://www.sc-best-practices.org/preamble.html
- Sun, F. et al. Single-cell omics: experimental workflow, data analyses and applications. Science China Life Sciences 1–98 (2024) doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-023-2561-0.
- Parse Biosciences: https://app.trailmaker.parsebiosciences.com/
- Flux estimator: http://scflux.org/
- Cell Marker 2.0:
- GeneNMF: unsupervised discovery of gene programs in single-cell data
- scRNAtoolVis: Visualization utilities for single-cell data
- ShinyCell: Generate shiny app for annotated single-cell
- hdWCGNA: high-dimentional WCGNA for single-cell data
- CellRank 2: Unified fate mapping in multiview single-cell data
- scFEA: A graph neural network model to estimate cell-wise metabolic using single cell RNA-seq data
- InferCNV: inferring copy number variation in single-cell data
- SCEVAN: inferring copy number variation in single-cell data, categorizing cancer/normal cells
- CopyKat: inferring copy number variation in single-cell data
- Cellchat: inferring cell-cell communication
- scType: Automatic cell annotation using markers
- DoubletFinder: find potential doublets/multiplets in single-cell data
- ALRA: Adaptively-thresholded Low Rank Approximation (ALRA)
- Dorothea: a gene regulatory network containing signed transcription factor (TF) - target gene interactions.