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MonkVG is an OpenVG 1.1 like vector graphics API implementation optimized for game use currently using an OpenGL ES backend that should be compatible with any HW that supports OpenGL ES 2.0 which includes most iOS and Android devices.


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MonkVG: An OpenVG implementation



MonkVG is an OpenVG 1.1 like vector graphics API implementation currently using an OpenGL 3.3 backend that should be compatible with any HW that supports OpenGL ES 3.3.

This is an open source BSD licensed project that is in active development. Contributors and sponsors welcome.

It can be found at GitHub

Projects using MonkVG include:

Whats New

  • (9/6/2024) Complete refactor of the code base. Currently only OpenGL 3.3 backend is supported.
  • (2/17/2022) CMake build support and GLFW example.
  • (1/22/2012) Now supports OpenGL ES 1.1 AND 2.0 (NOTE: as of 9/6/2024 only OpenGL 3.3 is supported)


Use git to clone:

git clone --recursive

There are currently, GLFW (see ./examples diectory). Also, VERY OLD iOS and OSX XCode 4 projects as well as VERY OLD contributed Android projects (thanks Paul Holden)and Windows project (thanks Vincent Richomme).

Examples requires the GLFW library to be installed. On MacOS:

brew install glfw


sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev

CMake Build

mkdir ./build
cd ./build

cmake ..
cmake --build .

# run the GLFW example

MacOS Arm Notes

The standard brew glfw library won't work on M1 Mac. To install the correct version:

# Remove GLFW
brew uninstall glfw

# Build GLFW from source
git clone && \
cd glfw && \
cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64 . && \
make && \
sudo make install

What is implemented

  • Most all path segment commands including: moves, lines, bezier curves, elliptical arcs.
  • Robust contour tesselation supporting both fill rules.
  • Very basic stroking.
  • Most paints including: Solid color fill, linear and radial gradients.
  • Bitmap font rendering.
  • Bitmap image rendering.
  • OpenVG utility library (see vgu.h)


  • Pattern fills and strokes.
  • Gradient fills on strokes (works for fills).
  • Stroke font rendering (may work just untested).
  • Various blending modes (somewhat working already).
  • Scissoring and masking.
  • Improve stroking geometry generation.

Probably never support

  • Image filters.
  • Anti-aliasing. (Though this can be supported outside OpenVG. For example iOS fullscreen AA glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE method)


MonkVG was originally created for games, so speed has usually been prefered over quality or full OpenVG compliance. To improve speed there have been MonkVG specific extensions. See "vgext.h" for some of the details.


Paul Holden (Initial Android Port)
Vincent Richomme (Windows Port)
Gav Wood (Android and Linux Port)

Also Luke contributed a great article on how to integrate MonkVG + MonkSWF with Cocos2D:

Simple Example

See ./examples directory.

NOTE: MonkVG will not create a OpenGL context, it is the applications responsibility to create there own OpenGL context. Also, if your application does any other OpenGL rendering it should save off the GL state and then restore before calling any MonkVG methods.

VGPaint _paint;
VGPath _path;
void init() {
	... setup platform specific opengl ...
	// setup the OpenVG context
	vgCreateContextMNK( 320, 480, VG_RENDERING_BACKEND_TYPE_OPENGLES20 );

	...OR... for OpenGL ES 1.1

	vgCreateContextMNK( 320, 480, VG_RENDERING_BACKEND_TYPE_OPENGLES11 );

	// create a paint
	_paint = vgCreatePaint();
	vgSetPaint(_paint, VG_FILL_PATH );
	VGfloat color[4] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
	vgSetParameterfv(_paint, VG_PAINT_COLOR, 4, &color[0]);

	// create a box path
	vguRect( _path, 50.0f, 50.0f, 90.0f, 50.0f );
void draw() {
	... save any GL state here ...
	... start opengl context ...

	/// draw the basic path
	vgTranslate( screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2 );
	vgSetPaint( _paint, VG_FILL_PATH );
	vgDrawPath( _path, VG_FILL_PATH );

	... end opengl context ...
	... restore and GL state here ...

Android Build instructions



Tested with ndk r9d on ubuntu.

There are 2 projects needed to build the example app:

  1. MonkVG-Android builds the needed MonkVG libraries

  2. MonkVG-Test-Android wraps them and makes them accessible from an activity.

Build steps

ndk-build V=1

The V=1 makes the output verbose. I used android-17 but any of the available targets should do. If ndk-build fails it may be helpful to import the projects in Eclipse and add the Native Tools (Right click on project name->Android Tools-> Add Native Support) make sure to rm -rf obj/local/armeabi on both projects for rebuilding, in order not to use old builds of the static libraries.

Deploy on device

android list targets
android update project -p . --target android-17
ant debug 
ant debug install
ant release install

If you imported the projects in Eclipse right click->Run As-> Android App will do.


MonkVG is an OpenVG 1.1 like vector graphics API implementation optimized for game use currently using an OpenGL ES backend that should be compatible with any HW that supports OpenGL ES 2.0 which includes most iOS and Android devices.







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